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It's Friday and I'm watching Emma leaned away uncomfortably from the guy. She told me yesterday that she had to do this art project and it's a major one. Her professor didn't allow them to choose their own partners and she got him. "His name is Adam. I'm not sure I like him though, I mean, he talks too much." Emma told me. Over the week, Emma talked to me more and she bothered to keep the conversation going. She joined me and my friends for lunch everyday so far. Not that she wanted to. She would never have said it so I forced her to join us. The boys didn't mind. They love having her around. It's like they found a new toy to play with. They love teasing her and watch her go red. She's like a sister they never had.

For me, she's like a girl I've never met. She's unique. Quiet but fun. You can sit with her for hours, not saying a word and not get bored. She's intriguing. I like finding out new things about her. Like the fact that she loves turtles and would do anything to have one and that she plays the flute for two years and stopped. But like me, she's aware of all the eyes around us and that means she isn't fully herself when we're at lunch. That's too bad for the boys. I still get to see her in our dorm. Now, I like the sound of that.

But I haven't told her that I'm only a part time student. From next week onwards, I'll be taking night classes and maybe an afternoon class one time. That's why she's in a dorm with me. They assumed I wasn't going to be here much so they didn't care if I shared my dorm with a girl or a guy. I wouldn't be able to eat lunch with her anymore so I should let her make friends with new people. So here I am, staring at her bitterly while she forced a smile on her face. I should go and save her. She looks like she needs a hero right now and I can be it. I can be Batman, dark and mysterious or Superman, handsome and charming. I go for the charming one.

"Go get her. Dude, you've been staring for ages." Eric said, pushing my shoulder. I peeled my eyes away from her and sighed, looking down at my application form. I have to fill in this damn form and when I do, then it's official.

We have more shows now and it's not long till our first headlining arena tour. I can't wait for that. People would be coming all the way just to see us. Usually we're just the opening act but now, people are paying for us and no one else. It's crazy but at the same time, I don't want to leave. Why? Emma. That's why. I feel like I'm finally getting to know her and I'm leaving. I didn't plan to obsess over my roommate like this. I think I may have a little crush on her.

Adam looked like he was telling Emma a joke and laughing at it himself. Emma smiled politely, not to burst his bubble. I felt like I had to go there and just scream in his face. "Newsflash, you're not funny so quit it." I imagined myself saying that sassily. I liked it. I think I should. I looked at her way again but this time, she was staring straight at me. She tilted her head to one side like she always does, I noticed, when she's wondering about something. She didn't flash me a smile, just stare and wonder. I don't know, I liked that her eyes were on me and she's wondering, probably something about me. That means I'm on her mind like she was on mine.

"Oh, come on. The staring contest?" Eric mocked, witnessing us. I broke the contact and laughed, whacking his head jokingly.

"You're killing my vibe, man." I chuckled, embarrassed that I got caught. I didn't look back at her. Instead, I started filling in the form. Connor Samuel John Ball. What a long name. I wonder what's Emma's middle name.

"She's leaving. If you wanna get her number, now's the time." Eric said, nodding his head towards her. I looked up and he's right. Emma was packing up. She said bye to Adam and they went their separate ways but Emma noticed me staring. I told you she's aware of the eyes. She stared straight at me again, raised one of her eyebrows and lifted her head a little like saying whatchu staring at? I laughed and shook my head.

"She's my roommate, Eric. I'll see her later." I told him. He was shocked but accepted it. He said I could pull a move on her easily. After handing in the form, everything was confirmed. I'll be having night classes every Tuesday and Wednesday and afternoon classes on Thursdays. I grabbed two iced tea before going back to the dorm, hoping she'll be there. But if I know her well enough, she will be in there, reading a new book called If I Stay. She complained that usually she only took a day to finish a book like that but this time, because of me and my constant talking, she hasn't even got to the middle since starting the book on Tuesday.

I knocked on the door for manners and entered. I'm right. She kicked off her boots and was sitting on the corner of her bed, all balled up with the book on her knees. She looked up and ignored me. Usually, she'd smile. "Don't talk to me. I'm finally halfway through." She muttered, absorbing the book with her big blue eyes.

"But I bought iced tea." I said, showing her the cups. She looked up at me and at the cups.

"Place it on my table and leave me alone." I laughed quietly and did what she told. I took off my shoes and sipped the ice tea, staring at her read. Her eyes following the lines of sentences quickly. I can imagine the voice in her head reading it out loud.

"What is it about?" I asked. I can't help but wonder what caught her attention that much.

"Connor.." She sighed loudly. I like the way she says my name. It's like it's made to roll off her tongue. I pouted my lips a little and she gave in. I think she may have a weak spot for me too. She placed her bookmark in and closed the book. She crossed her legs indian style and faced me, with her book on her lap.

"It's about this girl, Mia. She got into a car accident with her family and she encounter this out-of-body experience. It's really cool. She watches as paramedics put her parents in bags and operate on her. She hears what her loved ones say to her in her coma but she doesn't know how to wake up.." She trailed off, her mind seemed to be somewhere else. I stood up, took the iced tea on her table and gave it to her, sitting down on her bed, facing her.

"And what got you thinking?" I asked softly. She shrugged, staring off to somewhere.

"Like, won't it be great if you could just get into an accident and then see who actually cares about you? Who shows up at the hospital, who don't even bother." Her voice was small and scared, like a small girl.

"I wouldn't wanna risk my life for that." I admitted. It's scary. I would lose everything, to me it isn't worth it. I only needed to know that Brad, Tristan, James and my family cared. I don't care about the others but Emma cared. It mattered. "If it helps, I would be there. I would hold your hand and beg you to come back." I told her, taking her hand and holding it too. Emma let out a laugh and looked at me.

"Would you cry me a river?" She asked. I nodded.

"I'd cry you a flood that's gonna drown the entire earth and you and I will be on Noah's ark. We'll be the first humans to start again."

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