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Emma and I were lying down on the mattress James prepared for me. Earlier, he called saying that he needed more time. Tristan was busy in the toilet.  Emma had her hands resting on my tummy while mine was folded behind my head acting as a pillow. The pizza was long forgotten and we’re both full as hell. I fed her; I made her laugh; now we’re both tired and silent, except for the music in the background. "Why are you so against me buying your album?" She asked softly, turning her head towards me. I thought I was the one who had to break the silence eventually. I was just fine with not talking; just having her by my side was enough. I half smiled and sighed. I knew she was going to ask. I had insisted her not to buy the album but she was hard headed. I rolled over to my side, facing her, my head propped up by one of my elbow. I looked down at her. Her face was so much prettier than the night sky. There was something about this position we’re in that made my stomach go all funny inside.

"Cause you're a friend,” I said, trying to find an answer in her eyes. Should I? I took a deep breath. “Emma and I don't want you to be a fan cause I like you a lot." I rushed out the words, my voice turning into a whisper at the end. I fear she couldn’t hear it. I think it was the place we’re at and the atmosphere here. It was intense and breathing got a little hard. It also drove me to confess what I was feeling. I know I like her but could it be more? Emma stared at me for a while before looking away. The moonlight gave away her blushing cheeks. I guess, this was never a one-sided thing after all.

"I like you a lot too." She whispered, glancing at me before looking away quickly. That brought a smile to my face. "So I want to support you and your band and buy every single album or EP you put out and I'm going to listen to your music all day to remind me of you."  

"Thank you in advance." I smiled.

"So... Can I hear that song again? Risk It All?” She bit her lip to suppress a cheeky smile. I laughed. I was towering over her.  I could just lean down and our lips would meet. It was hard to keep the smile on my face. It kept fading away, in a good way of course. Do you get what I am saying?

"You want to listen to my band again on our date?"


"Fine." I muttered and took my phone. I have my own music in my phone. No, I am not conceited. I clicked on the song she asked for and she smiled when she heard the familiar tunes. Soon, we fell into silence again. It was so comfortable. Emma closed her eyes, absorbing the music and every word, every chord I played. Her eyelashes weren’t that long usually but today, she made an effort. She dressed up. She had eye liner on and mascara. Her lips were pale. She wasn’t using any lipstick or lip gloss but I liked it. I didn’t realise I have been staring at her till she spoke again.

"This is my favourite so far. This and Risk It All." I quickly listened to the song playing. It was Shout About It. Another of my favourite too.

"Good choice. I love both of it too." I told her. She nodded slightly. She’s wearing this cute baby doll black dress. I don’t think I have ever seen her in something that doesn’t cover her legs. Well. She had these rose printed leggings on but it was still see through. I noticed goose bumps on her arms. She didn’t have a jacket.

"Are you cold?" I asked, about to take off my jacket for her. Her eyes shot open and found mine. She shook her head quickly and rubbed her arms.

"No, I just love his voice."

"Brad is gifted."

"Brad is amazing." She swooned, staring up at the sky, right pass me. I frowned and leaned forward a little so I blocked her view.

"And now I'm jealous." I told her. Emma blushed immediately and shook her head at me. That cute little smile playing on her lips. Those which I want to taste so badly. I can, if I just leaned down. Just a little. Maybe I’ll do it slowly so if she doesn’t want it, she would have time to get out of the way.

"You're blocking my view." She said in a hushed voice. My eyes darted from hers, down to her lips and back up again. I did this a dozen times when I finally stopped at her eyes again. Hers was dilated. It seemed black from up here. It was no longer that soothing brown eyes, it was so much more. Emma took me by surprise when she reached up with her hands and pulled me down by my neck. Our lips collided, in a gentle and more romantic way. I wasn’t ready for it but I thanked her secretly, for I think I would have backed out if she hadn’t pulled me down. The kiss didn’t last long. I pulled away for air, the taste of her lips on mine. I licked it. Of course, she was using a chap stick. Mint flavour? Whatever it is, it was addictive. I want to go down for another taste. “You’re still blocking my view.” Emma repeated herself, biting her bottom lip slightly. “I don’t know how to talk stars. Do you?”

I let out a laugh and gave her one last look before propping down next to her. "I don't talk stars either but that one looks like Sherlock." I pointed at the sky. The stars were making constellations but, I know nothing about stars.


"That one.” I tried outlining the shape to her. Emma squinted her eyes. “See the curly hair and the hat.” I asked. "And that part is the high collar of his coat." I really could see it. I wasn’t making things up.

"I'll play along and say, yes I see it. Sherlock Holmes."  I gave her a roll of my eyes and insulted her creativity jokingly. Emma nudged me in the ribs with her elbow and it really hurt. She laughed instead of apologising. Her eyes always go squinty and she would bend forward, clutching her stomach. I noticed. I noticed everything about her.

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