Chapter 20

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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

Witch Kingdom
White Crystal Forest
Western Ridge Cave

Artemis' POV

This is the first and only time I saw Heaven shift fully into his Agúila form. He's almost the size of Ahba in dragon form. When he screeched, my ears almost bled. It was damn powerful.

The cave started to shake and the ceiling suddenly blew into dust and debris. Ahba's dragon form landed beside Heaven and started freezing the rebel army. He brought witches with him, who started fighting alongside the air elves. It seems that he broke the bounds of time.

"This is not fucking happening. Send more troops!" Warren's panicked tone made me grin.

"You're done, Tallar." I chuckled venomously.

"Shut the fuck up!"

The bounds around me still works, so I can't do much... yet. He dragged me into another tunnel with the ancient witch and Trevine following closely behind. While doing so, I decided to investigate on my own how the ritual didn't work. I looked into my own aura, looking past the thick layer of protection Heaven and his stone surrounded me with. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the reason why. It was barely seen, but it's totally there. Like a silent being getting ready for the world.

A baby. OUR BABY.

Damn, my Heaven is so smart. I am the witch, I should have remembered I must be pure and untouched for the ritual to work. These idiots with me should've known it too. The news about me being a queen now in the Air Kingdom is a dead giveaway that we completed the bond.

The knowledge that I will be a mother soon thrilled me and protectiveness encaged my system. I will not have my children experience what I've gone through. I will make sure they will never ever be hunted down.

Darkness clouded my vision and all I can see is black magic. I will make them suffer the way they did to others. I absorbed all the magic I can use all around me, breaking the bonds of time using darkness. Darkness was here first, not even time can defeat it.

"What are you doing, Artemis?" Trevine tried holding me down but I sent a burst of black magic, throwing him away a good few meters. The ancient witch wrapped me in another bound but it dissolved like nothing.

"How powerful are you, little brat?" Her tone tells me she's afraid.

I laughed, "What can I say, now that I have the other half of my soul I'm more powerful than the Witch Council combined. It's sad that you spent your magic in doing the wrong thing, in turn, hurting innocent people. My parents were dead because of you, Trevine. Hate is an understatement. I loathe you. You disgust me. You deserve to die the way you killed others."

"You'll be needing much magic to defeat me, anyway." She confidently said.

"I don't need much. I only need you without your magic." I siphoned all her magic, surprise was etched on her face. Particles of magic were slowly leaving her body.

"No, no, no! Trevine! Do something!" She screamed but no one can do anything now. She's already turning into dust. Her body's too old to be able to retain a human body without her magic.

With the last of her magic, I threw it high in the air. Ahba swooped down and swallowed the magic, transforming him into a Mage Dragon.

When I turned my attention back to Trevine, he's already surrounded by his horde of souls. Warren Tallar coudn't even do anything to protect his colleagues. His air magic won't do much damage to me. Besides, I'll leave him off to Heaven's justice.

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