Chapter 2

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"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix

Air Kingdom
White Castle
The King's Chamber

Artemis' POV

I woke up with everything in place. My things arrived in the White Castle first thing in the morning and was arranged even before I woke up.

Looks like King Aer's serious about me staying here.

Maids gathered outside my room, waiting for me to wake up so they can help me 'prepare' which made me horrified. One moment I was a lone witch living in a small hut, the next I'm in a castle and maids surround me to help me bathe. No way. I politely refused the pampering because I don't want to be used to it, afterall my stay here is only temporary. The room at the far end of the hall contained all my things in scrying and making potions, as well as the books back in my hut. Heaven left an hour ago for a meeting in the Air State according to the guards outside my door.

After finding the kitchen and eating some foods for breakfast I decided to cleanse the room I'll be using for my crafts. The moment I entered the room one feeling crept up my spine - too much power. It's like Heaven Aer lingered too long in the room, leaving traces of magic everywhere. I have to clean them or else it will mess with my own magic. Once I started cleansing no one should enter, wouldn't want to 'accidentally' cleanse them too, eh? I rearranged the items carefully and by their uses. The room is perfect, enclosed and spacious. My things were placed in expensive racks near the walls of the room, giving a wide space in the middle.

I removed my garments, leaving nothing and folding them neatly as I put them aside. I kneeled at the center and sat on my heels, my long black hair covering my front and back. I extended my hands to the side and the magic flowed freely, covering the whole room in purple auratic hues. As they danced in perfect sync I remained sitting, chanting the cleansing spell in my head.

'Come forth, magic of the north
Remove the evil and power in this fort
Make it pure, make it clean
Let my magic be its only spring.'

I spent the rest of the day inside, making sure the room is ready for any magic tomorrow. Surprisingly I never felt tired or hungry, it's like the white thread shielding my aura kept giving me energy instead of feeding off me. About that, I'll have to ask Heaven later. Night came and I put on my clothes, leaving the room quietly. As I stepped away from the door fatigue came down on my shoulders full force. So instead of heading towards the kitchen, I went straight to my room. I was surprised when I saw Heaven waiting patiently by the balcony. In the bedside table was a tray with food, instead of questioning him I ate silently, mumbling a quick 'thanks'.

"Did you like the room? Maybe you want a different one, or something more spacious." He inquired, sitting beside me on the bed and wiping the corner of my lips with his handkerchief. I would've blushed if I wasn't this hungry.

"It's perfect, I love it. I cleansed it today so tomorrow I can already use it." When I was done eating I put the tray aside and turned to face him completely. "I want to ask you something, about what happened in the forest when the necromancers attacked." He nodded at me, signalling me to continue. "Can we unbond? I mean, I temporarily connected us so I can borrow more magic. Maybe it's time to remove it?"

His eyes darkened, like a storm brewing and about to fall down upon me. His arms encircled around my waist, pulling me closer. The same sparks I felt when he touched me erupted again and I shivered. My body automatically leaned towards him, a soft sigh leaving my lips.

"It can't be undone, love. We bonded the elven way. Our souls are now forever connected as one."

My breathing hitched, we bonded. Maybe that's when his soul met my own, it was so tight and I bet sealed by a strong magic. Is there a possibility that the Air Stone reacted differently to the temporary bond? Maybe it thought I was trying to bond us completely. That explains the sparks I'm feeling. "Is it fine with you? If not, I promise I'm going to find a reverse spell. I know there's a loophole like you said before. It's my fault afterall. I don't want to be a nuisance."

"That is the thing I would never want you to do. It's done. No more altering the bond we made. After all of these problems we'll work this out. We'll complete it."

His decision was final, and all I can do was nod my head. This is the consequence of my rash decision, and I'm thankful he's the one I bonded with. He may be cold and ruthless in the battlefield, but he knows what's right and won't take advantage of someone. He's been kind to me since the day I met him and I thank him for telling me the truth right away about our situation. I don't think I can live with him the way Fyrrah did with Alessio - loving him without assurance that what they have would last forever. Alessio's a fool for not telling her she's his mate the moment they met. Fyrrah's a ball of fury that time anyway so I guess he did the right thing.

"What was your meeting in the Air State all about?" I asked when I remembered he left early in the morning.

He pursed his lips, "Rebel air elves attacked the outskirts of the state. Some were injured but none died. Their main purpose was to spread panic, I guess. I need to put a stop to this rebellion or else you'll get involved too." His knuckles caressed my cheeks softly, and I wonder where have the cold and deadly king gone.

I was touched but his words caught my attention as the vision in the fireplace came back again. "I think I'm already in, Heaven." His brows furrowed so I continued, "When I was sitting by the fireplace last night a vision came to me. I was in some man's body and in front of me were the necromancers. He was angry and disappointed at Trevine for letting me escape. They're planning to use me to destroy you, and when he learned that you saved me he was elated. He said it's like hitting two birds in one stone."

His hold on me tightened, as if the danger is close. "They're working together."

"I'm sorry I didn't see the man's face, but do you have any idea who is he?"

Heaven nodded stiffly and sighed, "I have a hunch, but you know what this means right? Your safety. I want you inside the castle at all times. I will add two more guards to watch over you and I won't have anything jeopardizing your safety so you'll be with me often."

I rolled my eyes, "You're turning into Alessio Version 2.0."

"Trust me, it's better that way." He stood and removed his dress shirt as well as his slacks.

"What are you doing??" I panicked, running across the other side of the room away from him. My wide eyes were looking up, afraid to look at him. The only thing I heard was his chuckles.

"Preparing for bed."


I looked back at him and he's already lying supine with his arms under his head. He patted the space beside him making my jaw drop.



This is Chapter 2, pixies. :)

If you want to understand the story better you can always read the book 1, The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1). The start of the series always explains everything regarding the kingdoms, the powers and the characters. The first book is already complete so no worries.

Love you all. :)


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