Chapter 1

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"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." - Maya Angelou

Air Kingdom
Eastern Borders
Old Wilderness Forest

Artemis' POV

In my past centuries of existence I always make sure I know things before doing it. Before I decide, I think it through. Before I act, I always make sure everything will go the way I wanted it to happen. For the first time in my life, I did something without thinking and now I don't know if it's a good thing or just plain bad.

Heaven and I were no strangers to each other. Afterall, we fought alongside each other in saving Fyrrah and her Kingdom. More like he protected me. Honestly, I've heard stories depicting him as death himself. I was scared of him because of that. The fear lessened when I learned from Fyrrah that he's actually understanding, or atleast logical. After the act I pulled just now though, I think my heart's going to explode from fear any moment now. Please don't be angry.

"I'm waiting, Wiccan." His tone hinted impatience and that's when I remembered the question he asked first thing after sending them away.

His arms were still around my waist, igniting the sparks furthermore and making me forget everything around me. "T-They're after my magic." My voice was barely audible, and honestly it's because of our close proximity.

His chest made a weird sound of possessiveness making weird tingles run down my spine and I shuddered. The air stone in his aura glowed, as well as the tentacles connected to it that were presently wrapping my aura in the form of shield.

"I-I'm sorry that I trespassed in your land. I didn't know. Thank you for saving me, I promise I'm going to repay you someday if you'll ever need my help." I moved away from him, breaking eye-contact and composing myself. "My deepest thanks, King Aer. I owe my life to you."

He nodded, eyes the color of the moon in its fullest. "Fyrrah asked me to help you when she learned you're near my land. I say she made the right decision, the Werewolf Kingdom is too far for them to arrive in time." His eyes shot to my bruised ankle and his face hardened. "Come with me to my palace so the healer can take a look at it."

Still unsure of when will the infamous deadly king's wrath will come, I reluctantly followed. It was almost a half an hour walk passing trees and small clearings. When we reached the gates my jaw dropped at the sight of the white castle. It was so sophisticated yet home-y. Its glow seemed captivating. As we entered the majestic walls he led me to his chamber and into a room just beside his office where I can be comfortable.

"I'll call for the healer and inform Fyrrah you are safe with me now. Try to relax, it won't be a problem if you'll rest for a little bit."

I nodded at him before thanking him again. He left the room right away while I stayed in the couch I'm in. It seemed like a waiting room for visitors. The fireplace looked inviting and its old-fashioned style made me remember my own back in my hut in the woods. I pulled a stool closer to it and sat there, warming up myself. My eyebrows furrowed when the flames started dancing in a very familiar pattern. The pentacle appeared so I immediately touched it, unlocking a new vision.

"Where is she?"

A stern and authoritative voice came out from me. It looks like I'm in someone's body. The bad thing is I can't see the face of the man I'm now in. In front of me stood the ashened faces of Trevine and his comrades.

"She escaped." His voice lost it's thrilling tone I heard a while ago. No doubt ashamed of losing one girl while there's five of them out to get her.

The voice coming from my form growled in anger and disappointment, "How can I trust that this alliance with you will work if you can't even bring one girl when there's five of you?! For fuck's sake you even have your horde of souls! We need that girl alive and in our dominion if we want to get ahead of that bastard king!"

The Lethal Air (Royals of the Realm Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now