Chapter 11

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"The more you let yourself go, the less others let you go." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Air Kingdom
White Castle
The King's Chamber

Artemis' POV

Two alpha males in an epicenter would make the whole realm trembling, especially when one is adamant on getting something while the other is blatantly refusing. Not to mention the pregnant dragon queen throwing her own tantrum.

What have I gotten myself into?

Alessio arrived with Fyrrah first thing in the morning, totally pissed. I don't know how but he knew I was imprisoned and almost got killed by a feeder. His responsibility of keeping me safe kicked in and now he wants me to come back to the werewolf kingdom... bonded or not.

Fyrrah was a different story. Apparently, the idea of me living here was her plan. But now, she's glaring at Heaven like she wants to eat him raw. Heaven still stood in front of me protectively while growling, the Aguila slowly resurfacing.

"I can't let her stay here anymore, Aer. You almost got her killed! And why the fuck was she in the dungeons?!" Alessio slammed his fist on the mahogany table, making it crack. I cringed, feeling sorry for the table.

"It was a one-time misunderstanding of a critical sitiution but we had it fixed anyway. She's okay, we're okay, she's not leaving and that's final."

Fyrrah snarled at that, "Well, we're not taking anymore risk. I am not leaving her here for you to accuse her every time things don't go your way!"

"I fuckin' know what I did wrong now, and that will be the last time!"



That was not me.

All our eyes turned to the doorway and a young man stood there all flushed and panting. My brows furrowed upon looking at his aura.

"Prince Alexander," Heaven spoke as if he hadn't just argued with a royal couple.

Yes, a royal earth elf.

Another royal pain in the ass.

The man nodded hastily, "I need a healer." Our eyes widened, "Please." He begged.

"Sign me up," I said immediately.

"NO." Heaven and Alessio said at the same time.

"And why the hell not? Can't you see he needs help?" I can't just ignore someone who needs help. Fyrrah nodded understandingly.

Alexander started to explain, "Actually it wasn't me who needs a heale-"

"What if it's some necromancer trick to lure you out of the castle? You're not leaving this place, love." Heaven held me protectively.

Alexander started again, "You see, my friend really needs help. She's badly wounde-"

"I have to agree with Aer on this one, Art. That's a foreign land, we don't know who's waiting for a chance to get you there." Alessio, for the first time today, agreed with Heaven.

"WILL YOU LET ME FINISH?!" A thundering roar echoed in the castle again making me shake my head in irritation. Three growling males in one place. "An angel crashed wounded and bloodied in my domain. She might die without a healer's help, one of her wings is torn. Please." There was urgency in his tone and I felt his need to help somebody, no matter who that person is.

"How far is your place?" Asked Heaven, as if sensing my thoughts.

"Just across the river, nearly half an hour drive."

"We need to go there fast," Fyrrah pulled me along with her and the rest of them followed. We used their car and Prince Alexander narrated what really happened on the road.

"Chrysanthemum Estate have always been my escape from all the family drama," I saw pain flashed in his viridian eyes. It's disappointing to see such marvelous feature marred with suffering. "It's far from the Earth Castle and hated by my family. I was doing my usual routine, taking a walk around the perimeter. Then I sensed some disturbances in nature, I thought we were under attack. I called two other earth elves to accompany me and investigate but we found no armies or mercenaries. We just saw wings, all bloodied and torn."

Alessio nodded slowly, "Was she unconscious when you found her?"

"No," he shook his head. "She was... cursing herself. She's trying to crawl away, that's why we found abrasions on her forearms and legs."

"Flying accidents do happen to beginner angels. They acquire wings at 18, maybe she's still learning." Alessio had a point.

Alexander smiled sheepishly, "Did I mention she have two pairs of wings?"

"Holy pepperoni," Fyrrah started. "Really?!" Alexander nodded yes.

"An archangel, which means the accident was deliberate." Heaven pursed his lips, drawing circles on my thigh with his thumb in deep thought. Alexander nodded in defeat. The girl might be in grave danger, just like me. Somehow I can relate to her situation.

We pulled outside an old-looking estate surrounded by vines and shrubs. All around was like a thin forest encircling the fortress. Domestic and wild animals were everywhere, going in and out of the estate which surprised me. Alexander led the way, the guards opening the wooden doors for us.

"Where is she, Prince Alex?" I can't wait to see her and help her with all that I can.

"In the infirmary," he escorted us to a chamber leading to a room with rows of white hospital beds, each separated by a moss green curtain. Going further we saw blood and feathers on the floor, as if someone wounded was dragged.

"How did you get her inside?" Fyrrah asked curiously.

"We carried her, of course," Alexander sounded aghast, "Her wings were too heavy so we got very careful on the injured one. One wing slipped out of my men's hands and was dragged, they couldn't feel their arms after because of its weight."

Fyrrah scratched the back of her neck ashamed, "Sorry."

The last bed came into view and we saw her lying on her stomach, her expression pained and her curly blond locks were in disarray. Two other beds were pushed on each side of the bed she's currently in to accommodate her huge wings. One was indeed bloody and torn. Her aura flashed before my eyes and I saw a fiery white light with gold specs in the middle. What's surprising was the Celestial Seal on it, like the crystal pentagram hovering on mine.

Another freakin' royal immortal.


Hey pixies, :)

Sorry for being gone too long and not updating. I've been busy these past months and I'm sure I will be until next year for my internship. I give you this treat though, and enjoy.

Vote and comment if you liked it. :)

The Lethal Air (Royals of the Realm Series #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora