Chapter 4

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"One of the greatest discoveries a person makes, one of their great surprises, is to find they can do what they were afraid they couldn't do." - Henry Ford

Air Kingdom
White Castle

Artemis' POV

I woke up really late. It was nearly noon when my bladder decided to wake me up. The fact that I felt no pain when I rushed to use the bathroom all of a sudden after the stunt I pulled last night surprised me. I washed my face in the sink after doing my business but stopped when I saw that the bandages were gone.

No burns.

I rolled up my sleeves and found no bruises nor scrapes. Maybe Heaven has something to do with it although I didn't tell him the whole truth about last night.

Nowhere near the truth, actually.

I just told him that the injuries were results of a magical backlash when I was trying a new spell in my spell room. I prayed hard that he would believe my lies, I guess he did. I was damn scared, I haven't experienced yet the extent of his fury... and hopefully not. He must be hiding something valuable in that place for him to place an invisible ward. I almost died last night. That ward could've killed me if I wasn't thrown back.

I finished preparing myself for the day before going down to eat. When I reached the kitchen I saw General Colson tiptoeing and trying to be silent as he filled his plate with chicken legs and salad. In the dirty kitchen I saw the chefs busy finishing up the menu for the lunch. They haven't noticed the intruder yet.

"You're going to eat all of that?" I asked from behind making him freeze and stop chewing the sandwich he stole from the kitchen counter. "It's okay, I won't tell the chefs." I chuckled when he remained still.

He sighed in relief before starting to walk again and out of the kitchen, motioning for me to follow. I did and he set his plate down on one of the tables in the dining area. "They won't bring the food out until twelve. I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"So you decided to not wait and sneak in? You must be that hungry." I laughed.

"Damn hungry." He licked his fingers making me scrunch my face.

"You really have to do that in front of me??" I raised an eyebrow at him but he just shrugged.

"Just shut up and eat with me, I know you're hungry too." He wiggled his eyebrows before eating one leg again like a pig.

I decided to start eating too before he eats all of it. We talked about his work, his family, and pretty much about the system in air kingdom. Only one thing is clear: all orders come from the Air King. Even minute ones. Not like in the Werewolf Kingdom where I lived before; it was divided into three packs and each pack has a minor alpha that leads that unit. That way it's easy to maintain order. Major decisions come from the king, but he is very much involved in pack issues.

In the middle of our conversation a maid approached us and bowed politely before looking straight at me, "Lady Artemis." She started, "The king is requesting for your presence in the west wing."

I nearly fell out of my seat upon hearing that. My face paled and on cue both Colson and I looked at each other. No one said a word. When the maid felt that none of us would say anything she awkwardly excused herself. When she was out of earshot I pinched Colson in his ear making him wince.

"You told him, didn't you?!" I'm already panicking. He's probably very angry right now.

"I didn't! And if I did what's wrong with that?! You just sleepwalked!" He countered while covering his ears. He looked like a scaredy cat.

I calmed myself and sat back properly, "I sleepwalked." I reminded myself. I sleepwalked last night and unknowingly reached the west wing. There, it's fine.

Wait, I told Heaven last night I was doing a new spell in my spellroom.

This is so not good. Lying to two different persons in one night is really not good. Today, I pay the price. I left Colson in our table who was now laughing at my demise. I went to the west wing as fast as I could, my heartbeat escalating with every step I take. Atlast I saw him, at the very spot I was standing before I was thrown backwards by the ward. His face was emotionless as he met me halfway.

"You want to know what's in there, don't you? Lead the way." He growled lowly in my face making me gulp. I slowly went towards the stairs, careful not to come any closer and touch the ward. I hesitated, not sure if I can unlock the spell. He might have sensed my hesitation because he spoke from behind me, too close for my liking. "It's aura is invisible too, but look closely and you'll find the pattern like every other wards."

I closed my eyes and the magical plane opened to me. I saw no wall... but there are small fragments of magic lingering. If you look closely these fragments form lines, but they were too far from each other. The ward is invisible because it's made of air, that's why the magic particles were far apart. If I am going to break it, I need to make it solid - that is, compressing the fragments.

I raised my hand, releasing magic and pulling the particles closer and intact. It formed an ancient seal of air magic. When I released the magical plane I saw a bluish-transparent wall-ward. I released another wave of magic outwards and broke it, the ward shattering into pieces and then it's gone.

I did it.

"Impressive, love." I stiffened when I felt his hot breath on my nape, "But that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you anymore."

He led the way this time, using a ball of light he summoned to illuminate the stairs. When we reached the top there was a room without windows and no sunlight passes through. Nevertheless, it wasn't dark.

The bluish glow of a creature made the room bright, the creature trapped inside a glass dome. When it sensed our presence it moved close to the glass but not touching. It was staring at me, watching my every move. Unknowingly I moved closer towards it too and we both stared at each other, unblinking.

'Sister...' The word rang in my mind once again. There is only one reason why...

Heaven stood beside me, staring at the creature with a straight face. "This is the soul of the Warrior Dragon. It's creator was the powerful witch Arkas of the North. When the powerful witch died, it became violent. A threat to every kingdom of the realm. It was so powerful; its soul part witch and part magic. My father was among the casualties so at an early age I had to take up the responsibility of running the kingdom. My first official quest was to kill the dragon, and I did."

"That's why they call you the Deadly King. You killed a powerful dragon alone." I commented.

He just nodded, "But since its soul was part magic, the realm of the dead can't accept it. The only possible way to protect it from evil hands is by keeping it secured here."

Silence wrapped around us as we stared at the dragon soul circling the dome, trying to get our attention. When I look at it, all I can see was an innocent dragon. Its soul was childlike, and I know it hurt him to see his creator die. Violence became its outlet, maybe even its means to survive by itself.

"Were you satisfied when you killed it? Did you get the justice you want for your father's death?"

His eyes darkened when he turned his gaze to me, "Not yet." My blood ran cold, the rage in his eyes seemed ready to kill. "I'll find Arkas' descendants and kill them myself. They could've stopped the dragon from its killing-spree, one word and it will listen to them. Yet no one from that damned family intervened. That cost me my father's life."

I broke eye contact with him and stared at the dragon with sadness deep inside my heart. Why is life so complicated? The dragon, as if sensing my distress grew dim. How can fate play a game as dangerous as this. One wrong move and I'll die. It's like a chess game wherein I'm cornered by my enemies in all exits. Checkmate.

How can fate be so cruel?

I called out to the soul of the dragon, it's light grew brighter each second.


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