Chapter 17

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"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Anonymous

Neutral Grounds
Old Wilderness Forest
The Rebel Fort

Artemis' POV

It was almost a week before Heaven finally released me from his seductive claws. A day after that, General Colson reported that they found the rebel's headquarters. They planned the attack as soon as possible, and I was surprised when Heaven allowed me to come when I asked him if I could. The men were surprised and reluctant as well, the fact that I am their new queen gives them the instinct to protect me - a total hundred-eighty degree turn from Heaven's decision. No one questioned him though, so here we are now, standing miles away from the establishment and staying hidden under my cloaking spell.

"How many men are inside?" General Colson asked me.

I narrowed my eyes, shifting my vision into the magical plane. They have almost double the number we have. Underground I can see necromancers and quite stronger aura of air elves. "Almost double our number, stronger ones and necromancers are underground."

Their breathings hitched, some gasping in surprise. We didn't expect that their recruits grew over time. My gaze drifted to Heaven who only grunted.

'I'm disappointed, to both myself and them.' His response made me frown. It wasn't his fault.

'There are persons with low self-esteem and those who lack freewill. These persons' decisions and point of view are easily swayed by persuasive ones. I pity them, they don't realize how great of a king you are. Now they're going down with a bang.'

Heaven chuckled lowly before pulling me closer to him. "I love you, my queen."

"I love you more, my king."

We suddenly heard a loud clearing of throat behind us, "We're in a war, love birds. Incase you didn't notice." His grumble came afterwards when a branch whacked his forehead right away.

"Once the veil is lifted, we attack. I want all entrances and exits guarded. There is a possibility that chameleons and spells are around doors so be cautious. Queen Artemis will dispel the wards and prevent the alarms as soon as possible. Prepare,"

All men shifted their stance, when Heaven lifted his hand I removed the veil.

Then we attacked.

I broke all spells and ward right away, clearing a safe path for our fighters. The alarms didn't sound so we had the advantage. The rebel group tried to fight back but I removed their magic, Heaven on the other hand siphoned every particle. No magic and souls were used, making the ground drench in blood. As to how my dress remained pure white, I didn't know. We cleared the ground floor, some necromancers arrived after that. The soul feeders swarmed the army but I put a barrier right away.

"Where is Trevine?" I asked coldly, scrutinizing every face of the dark witches.

"He's not here, bitch."

My eyes widened when Heaven was in front of him right away, having him on a chokehold. "That's my queen you're talking to, asshole."

I pulled their magic away, throwing it at Heaven's whirlwind. Their appearance turned old and wrinkly like an aged human. "Since Trevine's not here, I'll play with you for a while."

Their eyes widened when I chained them on a wooden post. Fires erupting around them. The fires grew closer as our men chanted for their death. Their panicked screams turned to pleas.

"I'll tell you where they are, just stop! Please!" Their ring leader, sort of, exclaimed.

I stopped the fire inches away from them. "Where?"

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