Chapter 6

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As the days went on, the two wolf packs worked together to get food for thier ill. China was being nursed by Russia as the larger wolf got the other to eat. England was being watched by America to make sure he didnt strain his injury. Norway made sure that Iceland didn't strain his broken rib until it was healed. 

However problems soon rose amongst the wolves, a decision was to either leave where they were to follow the herds or to stay and give the wounded more time to rest. 

The Nordic pack wolves wanted to stay put, especially since Iceland was not back on his feet yet. Hower the Allied pack wanted to keep moving and keep the food source strong.

"We are staying here!" Denmark growled, "If you want you can leave!" He barked at the others, "We are not leaving without the best hunters da?" Russia growled looking at them. The Nordic wolves were better hunters and brought in most of the food for the rest of the pack.

"Then you'll have to drag us out." Norway growled standing in front of Iceland, "Please look at this reasonably." England yipped trying to get everyone to calm down, "We could starve and then where would we be."

"Well as far as I see you need us." Denmark said looking at the others, "You will not leave because we are the food hunters. We feed you, well no more!" He barked.

"You guys need to leave!" Sweden barked at them, "Make me." Russia sneered. Sweden lunged at the other knocking him to the ground and beggining to fight him.

America made a move on Denmark fighting with him, China joined in the fight against Sweden however Finland did not see it as fair and ended up fighting with China alone. Norway stood over Iceland not letting any near. However France decided that it would be a good idea to try and attack him.

France and Norway fought, eventually England had to help America against Denmark. The fighting continued until there was a shrill howl from Denmark.

America had gotten a lucky hit in and had shredded the Dane's right eye wide open, Denmark fell to the ground whimpering in pain. Norway immdietly flung France across the cave to stand by his mate. He growled at America in a warning to back off.

Finland raised his head in a loud howl, "Every one stop!" Every one froze and looked at the wolf, Finland picked up China, having the wolve's throat in his jaws. Russia tried to step forward but Sweden stopped him. The two of them were bloodied up pretty badly as thier blood fell to the floor and pooled.

"Every one needs to leave!" Norway barked and growled.

Nordic Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now