Chapter 1

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Norway: Dark grey wolf, cross hair pin, deep blue eyes and hair curl

Denmark: Tan and white wolf, blue eyes.

Iceland: Light grey wolf with violet eyes

Finland: White wolf with blue eyes

Sweden: Black wolf, deep blue eyes

Norway padded into his pack's den. There was no one home, he was glad but disappointed. He did not want Denmark here but he did want his litter brother Iceland here. He sighed and curled up on his bed letting his eyelids droop. Norway had been outside all day trying to hunt but he was unsuccessful. Denmark was supposed to catch dinner today, but who knows if he will catch anything. As Norway fell asleep, Iceland quietly padded into the den. The pack lived in the cold regions of northern Europe and they were all accustomed to the cold. Iceland looked over and saw his brother asleep in his bed. Iceland, even though he had thick fur, was still cold from being outside all day. He decided to curl up next to his brother. When he did so he could have sworn he saw Norway smile but then it was quickly gone. Iceland fell asleep in the warmth of his brother's fur.

Denmark padded into the den with a young elk in his jaws and to snowshoe hares draped over his shoulder. He saw his siblings asleep and he put the prey down in the back of the den. His paws ached after his day of hunting and he was tired from running for so long. He flopped down on his bed, normally he would be loud and make a fuss about how he had to catch everything but today he was just too tired. He fell asleep as Finland and Sweden padded in.

Finland was shivering and huddled against Sweden loving how warm he was. When they arrived at the den they saw everyone asleep and prey at the back of the den. Sweden lead Finland over to the bed they both shared. Finland curled up next to Sweden nuzzling his head into Sweden's dark fur. They all fell asleep but Sweden knew something was wrong. He raised his head and tilted his ears, though his eyesight was the worst of the wolves his hearing was second to none and he did not like what he heard.

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