Chapter 3:Timmy an Bunny haf icee cuswader hot.

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Chapter 3

“Things are never that easy.”

At the sound of my voice, Jason spun around to face me and I took in his surprised expression: the wide eyes, the slightly parted lips…it was all there and I shook my head in disappointment, but not surprise.

“I was just…” he began and I imagined he was trying to think up a lie.

 I didn’t move from my perch on the chair, I allowed him his space as he stood there and he moved no closer nor further away from the front door.

“It’s pouring outside Jason. You really think it’s wise to take him out in this weather?” I questioned rather than accused, and he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

“I’ll keep him wrapped up,” he said, looking down at the blankets he had draped around his son.

I shook my head. “You’ve survived on the streets all this time and you’ve managed to take care of a kid while doing it, which means you’re a smart guy, so start thinking like one.” I told him. “You can’t take a child out in this weather and a bundle of blankets definitely won’t do the job.”

His face hardened and he clutched Timmy closer to him. “Yeah that’s right. I am smart, which is how I know that you’re not doing this just cause you’re a nice guy…you want to take him away from me.” he accused, his voice low and angry. “Well I’m tellin you now that he’s mine and aint nobody taking him away from me, got that? Nobody.”

His voice was dangerously low as he said it and I stood then, watching as he took a step back, his expression now one of uncertainty.

“That place you call home is a death trap, it could come down at any minute and you have him sleeping there every night while you go off and pick pockets.”

He shook his head. “I don’t pick ‘em every night.”

“That’s beside the point. He can’t stay there…neither can you, it’s not safe and it would be wrong of me to allow you to go back there.” I told him. “He’s a baby Jason, he needs a proper home.”

“I’m working on it. We aint livin’ there forever...just till I sort myself out.”

I came to stand before them. “You’re working on it huh? And how are you doing that?”

“I’m saving for a real place…I got some of the money, I can get more.”

“So this is how you want him to grow up? You gonna teach him how to steal people’s money to survive, you gonna watch him go to bed hungry some nights when you can’t score? You’ve lived that life, is this really what you want for him?”

His mouth tightened. “I never let him go to bed hungry—”


“No. I take care of him and he won’t hafto live like me, cause I said I’m saving for us. We’re gonna have a real place with running water and a fridge...real soon.”

“Yeah? And how are you going to do that?”

“I got a job last week…I’m a working man now.” He said it with confidence and a hint of pride.

I was surprised. “You have a job?”

He nodded.

“Doing what?”

“A ranch not far from where I live. They make me muck out the stalls and stuff.”

“And what happens to Timmy when you’re working?”

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