CH 6

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They entered the Queen's compound and walked past the wooden walls. There are many rooms when taken the count of the doors. you wondered. The mother and daughter duo stopped at a particular door which was emerald painted with a beautiful lady sculpted, the maids who wore the same colour as the one before. They looked at us, one of them came and searched over your garments if you had anything dangerous carried in. Once done with her checking, the other opened the door. A quite small room which had a lot of vases and paintings placed, huge white embroidered curtains covered the two sides of the room. From the direction you faced, there was another door again guarded by three maids. There you recognized the same lady who called you a peasant and instantly your expression grimaced.

The lady gave the same expression and asked the ladies to open the door. As you walk past them, "Sickly peasants." she murmured, which you definitely picked. The urge to rage at her was only possible in your mind, what could you actually do. She was from higher position in the hierarchy of maids, the norigae that she wore at the end of her blouse tie.

As the door, with the first step in the room, you paused as a gust fragrant scents washed your nostrils, the room filled the smoke of incense sticks and shelf of various hygiene accessories, an opaque curtain quite far from where you stood divided the room. On the other side of the curtain a noble lady wearing the most beautiful color of silk robe, her long black hair let loose to one side, one maid was massaging her leg while other carefully combed her hair. The curtain didn't permit to figure out the lady's beauty but one thing was sure that she was very beautiful as per your curiosity. Your eyes couldn't let off her, seeing the extravagance life she was living.

"Your majesty." Your mother bowed to the ground when you snapped out of the trance and followed her bow. It is then that you recollected what your aunt and father had mentioned, Never look eye to eye with the royal family members or the ministers. The maid spoke to her majesty, "Your majesty." Although your head was bowed, your peripheral vision saw the queen look at you uninterested.

"What is your name?" Her majesty asked nonchalantly. Her voice was soft yet rough. "Y-Y/N." You stuttered. "Does she stutter?" The vexation in her voice really caused fear in you. "No, your majesty." Your mother had your back. She hummed, "Has she down this before?" This time you spoke up, "No, your majesty." Her majesty exhaled a loud and deep sigh, least bothered about anything.

"Alright, she shall begin to work. You will follow my instructions." She waved her hands to leave. They bowed once more before standing, "Mina, fill her up later." In the hopes of making a good impression, "Thank you, your majesty." You bowed half and walked out with your mother. Once, all three of them stepped out of her chamber, the head maid began to give you the details, "Today on you will working for the prince. Your family will be paid two bags of rice each month with one fifty gold coins as your salary. You can only meet your family whenever the queen pleases. You will stay with Seohyun who is also the maid in companion. Currently she is not here, so I will assign someone help you get to familiarize with everything. The prince is quite a handful and stubborn, so you will have a fair share of troublesome time to adjust with him." The last sentence had you furrow your eyes, handful and stubborn; troublesome time.

As you neared to the compound entrance, you saw some maid and eunuchs picking your things. "Ah, there she is." The lady exclaimed. "Nari, she is the new maid. Help her familiarize with everything." the maid bowed to her. Unlike the head maid, the girl wore another colour set of hanbok. The eunuch wore green hanbok and walked away your luggage. "Thank you, lady Mina." Your mother bowed to her. The head maid was waiting for the bow from you too but didn't receive any. She clicked her tongue, her angry eyes, "Know your place and teach this kid of yours how to respect others." She complained before walking away and it was more than enough for your mother to lecture you again.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now