Chapter 22

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"Bones!" I yelled out. "Bones, get your ass in here!" I wanted to stab my eyes out. "Bones! Bones!" 

"Bella, shut up, what do you want, this time?" Bones said walking into the room. His face was scrunched in anger. 

"Can I leave yet?" I said. "And if you say no I will throw you out that window." 

"Bella I told you, you can't leave yet, I still have to monitor you." Bones said exasperated after saying this almost hundred times. 

"Bones, my leg is fine." I huffed. "And if you won't let me leave, I will just walk out." 

"Well Bella, their was your mistake in telling me." Bones said smirking. "Now there is going to be secruity guards outside." 

"Damn you." I snarled. "If my leg wasn't hurt I would take them out and then you." 

"You know you are always violent, but when you're hurt you are ten times more violent." Bones said.

"This will be your demise." I said, he laughed, but then he saw me face and realized that I wasn't kidding. 

"How about I check you right now, and then I get your discharge papers." He said walking forward and he started unwrapping my leg, right when he took off the wrap the wound started bleeding again. "Damn it, Bella how is your wound still bleeding, there is something wrong." 

"Yeah, right you just want to keep me here." I said, but Bones looked up and I saw the seriousness in his eyes. "Wait, you're serious... Bones whats wrong with me?" I asked started to feel scared. 

"I'm going to have take some blood to do some test, but you're going to have to stay here." He said. "I'm so sorry." 

"Bones, just fix me." I said scared. 

"I'm going to have to put a needle in you, are you okay with that?" Bones asked. 

I started shaking. Needles. Wounds. Pike. Everything was happening at once. "Bones, it's happening again." I said scared. 

He rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. "Bella, you need to calm down." Bones said. 

"Everything is happening at once, I can't take it anymore." I sobbed. 

"Hold still, I'll be right back." Bones said. He quickly ran out of the room. "Nurse, curse come here now." A woman in a white outfit came in and rushed to my bedside. Bones looked at her with complete seriousness in his eyes. "Don't leave her." She nodded and looked back to me. 

"It will be alright sweetheart." She said holding me hand. The shaking started getting worse. "Honey, you have to calm down." Tears started flowing. "Sweetheart" 

"Make it stop." I repeated over and over agiain. 

Just then Bones started running in again. "Bella, don't worry. Your friends are coming." He said. "Bella, Uhura, Spock, and Jim are all coming." 

My breathing started to intensfy. "I'm scared. Everything is happening at once. I can't stop." I whimpered.

"Bella, calm down. Think about the Enterprise, think about space, and weapons, Uhura, Spock, and Jim." Bones said sitting on my bed, and lifting me onto his lap and wrapping his arm around body bringing me in. "Listen to my heart beat and try to make your heart beat to mine." 

I tried to concentrate, but it wasn't working. My heart started speeding up, and my breath started getting so ragged my vision started to get blurry. "It's... it's not...not working." I stuttered. 

"Oh my god." Bones looked up to the Nurse. "God damn it, get Jim Kirk in this room." 

I heard someone come running, and I thought it was the nruse, but I looked up to see Jim come running in. "Bella!" He said running to my bedside. Bones passed me over to Jim. Who cradeled me in his arms. "Oh my god Bones what did you do to her." Jim yelled at Bones. 

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