Chapter 36

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Being surrounded by a collapsing building with no one knowing where you were, was probably one of the most terrifying experience I had ever been through. Yeah, I know, I had been through so much shit, but in those situations I was with someone else, now, well now I was alone.

All that was going through my mind was that if these were my last moments, then I had lived a good life. I had succeeded in everything that I set out to do. I went to Starfleet, graduated at the top of my class, I was the Tactical Officer aboard the newest and best Ship Starfleet had to offer. I went on tons of adventures, and even helped save many people.

Shutting my eyes, I laid my head on the dust covered ground. However, what I had totally forgotten about what that I was under Beamer, and I started to hear something that sounded like static, and that's when I remembered that Beamer had a communication device attached to him, but unfortunately, it was on top of Beamer.

Sitting up, I started to dig through rocks, and debris, in hopes that I could reach it. But it proved to be more difficult then I originally intended. There was no place to put the rocks, and my nails were beginning to break and they were even getting bloody. However, the more I dug, the more I could begin to hear more of the static, and maybe even some voices.

I lost track of time, but it felt like hours, and after these supposed hours, I finally reached the top, and I grabbed the device, and yanked it down to me. As soon as I had it in my hand, I was going to say that I was there, but I heard something I wasn't expecting.

"Bella, are you there?" It was Jim! "Please, pick up."

"Jim?" I croaked my voice nearly non existent because of all the coughing I had done, and dust I had inhaled.

"Bella!" Jim yelled over the comm. "Are you okay?!"

"Help." I croaked again struggling to get that out.

There was a long silence, and I began to worry that the mic had dropped out. "Bella!" It was Uhura. "There's a team coming to get you, just hold on." I sighed and laid back down with the mic by my ear. Uhura then began to read something in Italian because she knew how much I loved the language.

More hours passed, and I was starting to feel weak, and I wanted to know why, but when I tried to lift my head, something started dripping down my cheek. Reaching up, I touched a warm sticky liquid, and I knew that it was blood.

"Uhura," I said dazed. "I don't know how much longer I can last."

"Bella, you have to try. Everyone is pooling their efforts to get you out." Uhura said. "You just have to last just a bit longer. Listen to my voice."

She began to talk more in Italian, but it wasn't helping. Soon it was near impossible for me to keep my eyes open. "I'm tired." I said. "Good bye." My eyes shut.


Once again I was awoken by the sound of beeping, making me scrunch my eyes in annoyance. "Bella, can you hear me?" I grunted not wanting to wake up. "Isabella, come on." I knew whoever was trying to wake me wasn't going to stop, so I opened my eyes, but everything was blurry, but I could make out who it was.

"Bella, how's you're head feeling?" It was Bones.

"How do you think it feels?" I said my eyes finally coming into focus.

"Do you're lungs still hurt?" He asked not looking up from his tablet as he scanned me.

I inhaled, and it stun. "Yeah, just a bit." I said as Bones handed me a oxygen mask, and I put it to my mouth and started to breath.

"That has medicine in it, and it should mend you're lungs."

Bones still refused to meet my eyes. "You're mad at me." I said pulling the mask away from me.

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