Chapter 5

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****Three Years Later****

"Okay, begin" Said the test instructor. The monitor turned on to reveal enemy ships apporaching. I began to shot the phaser guns at them hitting each one. 

I was taking the final test that would detremine if I could become a commander in weapons. I was in a room of upperclassmen because I wasn't supposed to be taking the test until next year, but since I was top of my class I was an expection. 

The first part of the test was to see how well I would do on the bridge of a ship. Aiming and shooting the enemy vessels. The test was on it's hardest setting making the amount of enemy ships almost impossible to stop. 

I was extremely nervous, but I kept my calm and shot at each ship. And when one of them would shoot, I would block their shot with one of ours. I couldn't stop all the shots, but I did the best I could. By the end the shields had only lost 15 percent, and all the enemy ships were destroyed. 

I sighed leaning back in my chair. I looked around to see some people still taking the test. I could tell they were freaking out because their hands were shaking making their aim off. 

The weapons test was considered one of the hardest test at the academy. Not only did it test your mental state, but also your physical state. 

Once everyone was done, those who failed the first part were sent out of the testing area, and failed. Those who passed were sent onto the nest part of the test. Which was weapons knowledge. We were moved into the next room, where a dismantled phaser gun, and photon gun were placed. 

Each person found a work station and waited for the command. We all looked up to the see Stan. He saw me and smiled. I gave him a small smile back. He then turned to face everyone else. "In this part of the test we are going to test your knowledge on the parts of these guns, their functions, and how well and fast you put them together. You must finish this task within 30 minutes or you don't move on to the next part of the test." He said scanning the room. "Now begin." 

I started with the phaser gun first. I began picking up parts and saying the name while the function to the computer. If I was right the picture of the part on the screen would glow green. I put together the phaser gun as quickly as possible. It was complete within 5 minutes. Way before everyone else. 

I put it aside, and began working on the photon gun. This one took a bit longer because there were more parts, but I finished it within 10 minutes. Once both guns were complete the computer scanned them, and verfied that they were indeed put together correctly, and the screen flashed green and had a checkmark on it indicating I was done with this part of the test. 

I sat down on the chair, that I had pushed out of the way before, and looked around the room. Everyone was still working hard. 2 minutes after I had finished the second person finished. He looked up at me and scowled. I just rolled my eyes. 

Stan walked around the room inspecting everyone's work. When he reached me he stopped. "You're doing well Bella. Keep it up and you'll surpass everyone. If you do well on the next part you'll be in the running for operations in the new ship." He said before walking away.

I smiled. Operations on the new ship. I'd be working with Captain Pike. Once the 30 minutes was up, almost everyone had finished expect for about 10 people. They left the room with their heads hung low. 

We moved onto the next room. This part of the test was going to test our physical capablities. We were going to have to go through an obstacle course with only armed with a phaser gun. 

I was good with a gun. I had perfect aim, and quick reflexes. Not only could I use a phaser gun, but I was skilled in hand to hand combat. 

The inscrutor stood in front of us while some of the commanders handed out the phaser guns that we had just made. Not only would this test our skills with a gun, but also test the guns we just made to see how well we put them together. 

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