Chapter 31

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Pain was everywhere on my body, but it was probably nothing compared to what Jim was feeling. "It's good to see you, Scotty." Jim said getting up, and then helping me. 

Once I was up, I ran over to Scotty and pulled him into a hug. "I knew you wouldn't let us down." I said. 

Scotty patted my back. "Who is that?" He asked looking behind me. 

"Khan, Scotty. Scotty, Khan." Jim groaned. 

"Hello." Scotty said. 

"They'll know we're here." Khan said looking around, looking around like he wasn't hurting at all, which was probably cause he wasn't. "I know the best way to the bridge." He stood up, and walked over to help me up, but Jim was there to help me first. 

Taking off our helmets, we threw them aside, and I took the pack off Jim's back that held the guns. Opening the case, I put together the guns with ease. "Make sure his is locked to stun." Jim said. Nodding, twisted the gun, and took out the kill phaser, and handed the gun to Khan. 

"Theirs won't be." Khan said taking the gun. I finished putting together the rest of the guns and handed one over to 

Jim didn't seem to care, he liked it when the odds were against him. "Try not to get shot." Khan didn't seem to notice, and he started to run off, and we followed. 

Khan lead the way as we made our way up the ship, and I had the rear making sure nothing attacked us from behind. "They're going to have full power and we're walking?" Scotty yelled through a whisper. 

"The tuborlifts are easily tracked and Marcus would have us in a cage." Khan said stopping and going over to a computer. "This path runs adjacent to the engine room. They know they won't be able to use their weapons here without destabilizing the warp core, which gives us the advantage." 

 "Where'd you find this guy?" Scotty asked. 

"It's a long story." 

We moved on. "I don't mean to tempt fate here, but where is everybody?" Scotty asked.

"The ship is designed to be flown by minimal crew, one, if necessary." Khan explained. 

"One?" I asked stunned, but we were interrupted by a guard coming out, but Khan punched him across the face and threw him against the wall, and they started fighting. 

Jim pushed me back, but as we watched, another guard came out, and then another. Jim started punching the one while Scotty held him, and I went to attack the other, by hitting hard across the face, and then kneeing him in the gut, once he was doubled over, I grabbed the bar that was over me, and I wrapped my legs around his neck, and then holding it until he went limp. 

Looking up, I noticed that all the other guards were out, and Khan was no where in sight. "Where's Khan?" I asked looking to the panting Jim and Scotty.

"Damn it!" Jim said grabbing my hand and then we started to run off hopefully we ran into Khan. 

"Where is he?" Jim said going down a small hallway. "Shit!" 

A hand grabbed my arm, and I was about to punch whoever had me, but as I turned I saw that it was Khan. "This way." He pulled me after him. As we walked down the dark hallway, we peered around corners pointing our guns to make sure we were jumped. Jim and Scotty soon joined us, and as we walked down the hallway, the lights came back on telling us the ship was back up and the functioning. 

"No," We started running faster, and as soon as we reached the bridge we all started shooting our phasers at all the people on the bridge. As I shot I saw Carol standing there looking scared, and I made my way over to her and shot as many people as I could, until there were only six of us left standing. Jim, Scotty, Khan, Carol, Marcus, and me. 

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