Chapter 7

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I sat in the shuttle, and looked out the window as we sailed up through earth's atmosphere. We passed through the clouds and went up until the sky became black. I loved going into space. 

I remembered the first time I went into space. I was three years old, and my father was taking me to another planet. When I headed up into space, I felt like I was free from all problems. I loved space so much that I promised myself that day that I would join Starfleet, so that I could always have that feeling of being free.

My eyes scanned space, and I admired all the stars around me. I looked back to Chekov to see him staring at the stars also. "They are beautiful aren't they?" I asked looking back to the window. 

"Very much zo" He said. Just then the huge Starfleet base that orbited space came into view. It was huge. "Amazing." 

My mouth dropped in awe. I had only been to the base one other time, and I was really young. I looked at the base, and saw the different ships docked all around it. That's when I spotted the ship. The U.S.S. Enterprise. "Chekov, look, there it is." I said pointing at the ship. 

"Itz beautiful." He said admiring it. 

The shuttle flew towards the base, and I never once took my eye off it. 


"Everyone report to your stations," The anoucnment ran throughout the base. Everyone started rushing here and there. They were heading to their assigned ships. I walked with the Enterprise crew until we reached the entrance. 

I turned to Checkov. "I'll see you in the bridge, I have to go check the guns in the weapons room." I said. 

"Okay, zee you there." He said. 

I rushed off towards the weapons room. I knew that I was incharge of checking the weapons room to make sure everything was in order. As I entered the room men in red shirts came up to me. "Lieutenant, all photon guns are ready for firing." Said the commander. 

"Thank you commander." I said inspecting all the guns. I could tell that all the commanders were looking down at me even though I was above them. I could tell they were all jealous that a young woman was Lieutenant. But I had to push it out of my mind. I looked to the commander. He was second in charge of weapons. "You've done a good job down here. Keep up the good work" I said before leaving. 

I rushed along until I reached the elevator. I got in, and pushed the bridge button. "Hold the elevator." I pushed the button to hold the doors. Just then Spcok came running in the elevator. "Bella" He said "Everything in check in the weapons room." 

I looked at him and saw the fear in his eyes. "Spock?" I asked. "Are you okay?" I asked grabbing his hand. 

"Of course." he said trying to play it off. 

"No your not." I said. Spock looked away. "Look at me." His eyes met mine again. "Everything will be okay. I will try everything in my power to help Vulcan." I said. "I promise." 

Spock was silent. I looked in his eyes to see what emotion he showed, but his eyes were blank. "Thank you." He whispered. 

Just then the doors opened and it showed the bridge. I looked in and saw Captain Pike stting in his captain's chair, and looking at us, and a small grin passed on his face. Spock and I went to find our positions. Spock found his spot at the science console. I took my spot on the right of Chekov at my own console. We both turned to look at Pike.

"Captain, engineering reports ready for launch." Spock said. 

"Weapons is also ready." I said turning back to my console. 

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