Chapter 8

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The elevator traveled down, and we all were silent. I could tell that we were all nervous. I mean for gods sake Pike was heading over to the enemy ship alone, and Kirk and I were spce jumping onto a small platform. 

The elevator doors opened, and Pike started leading us to the bay. When we got there a man was waiting for us. I could already tell I wasn't going to like him. "Mr. Olsen, " Pike said. "Thank you for coming. Now as I already told these two, you three are going to space-jump onto enemies drill, and make it stop drilling into Vulcan. I'll give you the charges Olsen. Now you three off to the changing rooms, and meet me on shuttle 2." 

We all nodded, and I walked quickly off to the girls locker room. When I walked in I was handed a yellow space suit. It took quite a bit of struggling to get the suit on. It was an extremely tight suit, and it curved to my body. When I was done I looked in the mirror as I loosely braided my hair to the side. The tight suit showed my hourglass figure. 

I put on my sneaker like ankle boots, that would give me good traction, and I strapped on my belt. I walked out of the locker room carrying my helmet. I made my way to shuttle 2, where Jim and Olsen were already ready. As I got closer Olsen spotted me first. He gave a loud wolf whistle. I rolled my eyes. 

When he did Jim turned.  Jim spotted me he opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but stopped. I walked up. "You guys ready?" I asked. 

"Hell, yeah" Olsen said. "And might I say you look mighty fine in that outfit." He said. 

"You may not say that." I said walking up the the box that had an array of weapons. I grabbed a gun, and a small black handle, that turned into a sword, just in case I lost the gun. I clipped them onto my belt, and just as I did Pike walked off the shuttle. 

"Good you are all here. Are you all ready?" He asked. We all nodded. "Then let's get going." 

We all walked onto the shuttle, and took seats. Jim sat in the middle seat, I took the one next to Kirk closest to the cockpit, and Olsen sat on Jim's other side. 

Olsen looked around excited, and then turned to us. "I am pumped to kick some Romulan ass! No joke. Bring it on!" He yelled. 

Jim looked to me, and I rolled my eyes. I knew I wouldn't like Olsen. "So what kinda combat training do you have?" He asked me. 

"All kinds." I said proudly. 

"You can't know all kinds." Jim protested not believing me. 

Pike turned around while he was prepping the shuttle. "Trust me Jim, she does." He then turned back and started flicking switches. "She graduated top of her class, and can probably kick most of the guys ass on this ship." 

I looked to Jim smuggly. 

Just then I felt the shuttle jerk, and we were off. We sailed out of the Enterprise, and into loose space. I stood up and walked toward the cockpit. I turned to Pike. "Sir," I said. "I don't think you should go to the ship." I said suddenly getting very scared for him upon seeing the ship. 

Pike turned to give me a small smile before turning back to the window. "I have no other option. Besides I should be more worried about you. This is your first time space-jumping, and in real world hand-to-hand combat, and if something were to go wrong, the Enterprise can't beam you up with that drill going. Be more worried about yourself." 

I was silent. I knew Jim and Olsen were listening but I didn't care. "I don't fear death." I stated. "I do, however, fear living without someone I care for. If I were to live, and you were to die, I would be devstated." 

"I promise we will see eachother again." He promised. 

"You can't promise something like that." I pouted. 

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