Chapter 6

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I arrived at the Long-range sensor lab, where Uhura was. I walked in to see Uhura at one of the control boards with headphones on. I could tell she was listening to something. I krept into the room trying to be silent as Uhura began quickly writing down translations.

When she was done she took off her headphones and read over what she had just written. Confusion and concern etched her face. "What's up?" I asked taking a seat across from her.

"I just recieved a transmission from a Klingon prison planet. Something about a stolen ship." She said.

"That is strange." I said trying to put the pieces together in my head. Nothing came up.

Suddenly Uhura's face dawned with realization. "Oh, how'd the test go?" She asked.

"Passed with flying colors. The Academy President even said that I had the best test scores he has ever seen." I said proudly.

Uhura squealed. "Good job." she said leaning into me, and giving me a huge hug. "I'm so proud of you." She pulled back. "Was it hard?" She asked.

"Not really. But at the end I had to fight a masked person, and it turned out that I was fighting Spock." I said.

"You beat Spock?" She asked. "Wow, this is cause for celebration. Lets go get changed and head out somewhere." She said.

"Sounds like fun," I said.

As we walked back I told Uhura all about how I was assigned to the Enterprise as the Tactical Officer. She was super jealous, but was also super happy for me becuase she knew that it was my dream.

Once we reached the room Uhura went ot unlock the door. We walked in to see Gaila on her bed in her underwear. She was just laying there. "Hey guys-- I thought you two were busy tonight." She said.

"Well, I finished early, but the strangest thing happened. I picked up a emergency signal from a Klingon prison planet-- there was a stolen ship, and then Bella came and got me and told me the good news about how she passed the weapons test, and we came back to change so we could go out and celebrate." Uhura said. She looked at Gaila. "You okay?"

As she talked Uhura unzipped her cadets dress. I did the same. I didn't really like the uniforms, they were uncomfortable. We all stripped down until we were all in our underwear.

"Yeah, been running simulations all week, just catching up on some rest. Tired" She said yawning. "That's all."

That's when I knew something was up. "Who is he, Gaila?" I asked looking down at her.

"Who's who?" She asked trying to be innocent.

"The mouth breather hiding under the bed." I said.

"You can hear me breathing?" Out from under the bed came Jim, wearing only his underwear.

"You" Uhura and I said at the same time. "Out" Uhura yelled.

I quickly tried to cover myself up, because I was super shy with my body. "You don't have to hide, you have nothing to be ashamed of" He said looking right at me, and gave me a wink.

"Get OUT!" I said picking up his clothes that were scattered on the floor, I threw them at Jim as hard as I could. "NOW!"

"Calm down, I'm leaving" He said grabbing his clothes. He turned to Uhura. "I'll see you tomorrow for the simulation." He said to her. "If I beat it will you tell me your first name?"

"Get out" She said pushing him towards the door.

"What was that about a Klingon ship..." He started to say, but Uhura shut the door in his face before he could finish.

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