Through Your Window

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Let's just take a moment to appreciate this GIF.

It's so cute, Idon'tknow, maybe it's just me who overreacts about it but the way that Harry holds onto his shoulders and presses against him. <3 EVEN if it isn't some sexual boyfriend junk, it's still sweet. (:



Harry POV

When I heard the door open, I felt a rush run through my body. With doubt and worry, I jumped to my feet. Only to hear the splat of blood, fresh from my hand, hit the hardwood floor.

Liam stood in front of me, catching my shoulders when I ran up to him, his eyes dropping to my hand. He pulled me close, allowing me to bury my head in the crook of his neck.

I felt his fingers trail down my arm before gently grasping my wrist, entwining our fingers. The blood squeaked, almost like it was its own form of being forced to cave in on itself.

“All of the charges have been dropped.”

“That’s great… where’s Louis?”

He pulled back, attempting to meet eyes with me. But he failed because all I was doing was peering over his shoulder, trying to find the boy that plagued every corner of my mind and thoughts.

“Harry… you need to worry about yourself for the moment-“

I snorted. “You don’t understand… I wouldn’t expect you to… you have Danielle sure, but you two aren’t being torn apart!”

I could see the slight confusion and shock that flashed in his eyes when he heard my careless words. I wasn’t going to sugar coat anything, because frankly I wasn’t in the mood. I wanted Louis and no one else at the moment.

He took a deep breath, I saw Niall walk by the door talking to someone on the phone. “No, maybe I don’t understand. But there’s a limit to caring about him, and throwing yourself away. You need to sit down and think about this,” he said calmly.

But apparently I was right; he didn’t comprehend my position at the moment. I had to be with Louis, no exceptions. I am worrying about myself; my relationship. I couldn’t think about us both… my mind was too blurred to pull that. The most important thing was Louis and I would just run along with that.

This situation was just too much handle. It’s like that feeling when you’re juggling so many things that you can’t decide on which to take care of first. Should I look for Louis or our new arrangements?

My heart told me Louis.

I never thought that I would come to a time like this, where I was so desperate that I’d do anything to reach my goal. Never thought I’d throw away all sense, all recognition of rules… but I’ve succeeded, because I’m on the edge.

“I have to see Louis… Liam, don’t try to stop me.”

His eyes narrowed. “Stop being so damn stubborn Harry. You’re acting like it’s the end of the world. You’ll probably see him anyway; you’re just not living with him, calm down!”

I scoffed my answer, “It might as well be the end of the world! And do you really think that? Because last I checked, Management will do anything to make sure we don’t see each other!”

His sigh only proved that he was holding back from telling me exactly what he was thinking. But I didn’t care. Not one bit. While he was holding me here and speaking nonsense, I could be seeing Louis.

Simply, I Can't Stop Thinking of You. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now