Pronunciation of Beautiful

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Let's just take a moment to appreciate this GIF.

Seriously, he loves those curls. He's ALWAYS touching them. I think in bed, he uses them for leverage while Harry just holds on to his love handles. Really? 'Cuz I can imagine it.

My sanity already left, their cuteness too much.



(1st Person)

Harry and I make our way towards the room that Paul is in. I honestly don’t want to go in there. I’m scared. Why? Because I have no explanation for why I cried, for why I did those actions with Harry. I can’t just break out the truth and tell him that we’re dating. It just doesn’t work that way.

And so that’s why I’m shaking beside Harry. I denied his arm because I don’t want him to feel my shaking, but I’m pretty sure he can see it anyways.

I’m a little worried about Harry going in there. The first day we started going out he told me that he was going to protect me… so what the hell is he going to do to Paul? Because whether he tries to hide it or not, I may be the only one who can see it but I do see the anger flashing in his eyes.

I’m going to stay on the positive side and say that at least Paul has bodyguards, because he’s going to need them.

We stop at the door and our hands brush each other, so I smile gently over at him. Through his blinding anger he manages a weak grin, going in before me.

I’m really hoping that Paul has a good explanation, because what he did was just unacceptable and uncalled for.

“Boys, sit,” a manager says slowly, pointing towards the chairs. But he isn’t mean, I can tell by his voice. Thankfully… that’s not what Haz needs.

Harry stiffly sits down in front of Paul and I follow beside him. There’s a desk in front of us. I’m guessing that it probably is a very bad thing when it comes to laying your hands on a famous person.

I can hear Harry’s sudden uneven breathing as he links his own fingers together on the table, staring straight at Paul.

“Now that we’re all together, I’d like to explain myself.”

“Better be a pretty damn good explanation,” Harry growls. His teeth are clenching as he tries to keep from raising his voice. I lean over and lay my hand on his thigh, rubbing the inside of it in an attempt to calm him down.

Paul takes a deep breath, “Look, here’s the deal. Management has noticed that you and Louis have acted very close lately and the fans are noticing. And as usual, there’s mixed opinions. Some think that you’re really going out and that it’s cute or that it’s disgusting. Then there’s the group who don’t think that you’re going out and want you to or think that you should just stay best friends. So they decided that there is two ways that we can go with this; I don’t like either frankly. You two could have either been portrayed as going out and faking it, or you two would be separated even more often and made sure that the action dies down. We decided that we shouldn’t have to put you through the first option, because faking a relationship is bad in many ways. But it would also end in making so many girls happy, and some girls angry. So today when you two got very close and acted together in many things, I got angry because the managers wouldn’t be very happy. I guess I lost it and well… I’m sorry,” he says, his apology sincere in every emotion he used.

I can now see Harry relaxing, taking in the explanation. I about start to speak but Harry’s voice cuts in, “So you mean to tell me that just because of management, you thought it was okay to touch Louis threateningly?”

Simply, I Can't Stop Thinking of You. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now