The Moment of Realization

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Let's just take a moment to appreciate this GIF.

They are holding each other by the WAIST. Subtle Larry is subtle. And those glasses just unffffffffffffff. Do us all a favor and give yourself to Harry, just do it Lou.

Thank you for your time.

Dedicated to ForeverLovinOneD because you're damn sexy. x


“Jesus,” I whispered as I laid my head in my hands.

How was I going to tell that I saw a photographer in the fucking woods, taking pictures on my private property?

Who the hell knows what that guy captured…


Harry POV

I took a deep breath and rubbed at my face, blinking furiously. I didn’t want to be the one to wake Louis up with such bad news, so I decided to just go ahead and make the dinner.

And I hadn’t even picked the movie yet…

Getting off the bed slowly to not awaken the brunette, I made my way downstairs and for the kitchen. I intended on making something simple, knowing that Louis wasn’t the one for fancy foods. Neither was I really, working in a small bakery.

With the food in the oven, I clapped my oven mitts off and laid them on the table, leaning against the fridge to take a break. I was ready to just drop dead at this time but I had to stay awake for Louis who seemed to have no tolerance for staying awake, huh?

When that boy is tired, trust me, there’s no keeping him awake. If he wanted to sleep, he will sleep. No buts, ifs, or ands.

I looked out the window to see that there were only a few of the Paparazzi still out there, literally just standing there. I never understood their methods. I walked for the deck, sitting down in a chair.

Pulling out the laptop I headed towards Twitter, waiting for it to load I shifted my sweats, squirming in my chair. Looking out into the horizon, I could see the sun starting to set, giving the photographers something to finally go home for.

Scrolling down and reading the tweets from the fans and the boys, I sighed and typed in a tweet.

‘Boobear’s asleep, dinner and movie soon. Goodnight to all of our fans!’

When the ding from the kitchen caught my attention, I quickly shut the computer and set it on the floor, carelessly of course. My footsteps padded against the wood as I rushed into the cabin, sliding the glass door shut carefully.

My sweats kept on slipping over my heel, making my wiggle my foot in the air countless times. I jumped and quickly turned the oven off, pulling the pan out.

Letting it sit to cool down, I blew on my fingers, quickly taking a look towards the clock. Eight o’clock.

I was really wondering that if that nap was going to screw with Louis’ normal sleeping schedule. Running up stairs, I made a mental note to give Louis something to help him sleep tonight.

Reaching upstairs was always a new transformation. Because there was an air-vent in the entertainment room, more known as the upstairs main room, it was always so cold. So right when I hopped off of the top step, a blast of cold air hit.

Shaking my hair, fixing my curls I silently and slowly opened the bedroom door. The damned thing always creaked.

The lights were off so I had a feeling that Louis woke up, but only long enough to open a window and shut the lights off. He probably started to sweat from the clothes I slipped on him before leaving the room.

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