Beach Fun

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Let's just take a moment to appreciate this GIF.

They're so gay... it's just, unf.

If they frollacked in flowers together, I'd see nothing of it. Nothing, I tell you.

That is all.



(1st Person)

When Zayn walks out the door, Louis’ fingers grip tighter to mine. I love how he does that, I know when he does this he’s excited. I turn to smile towards his bright eyes, letting his lips brush against the corner of my mouth.

“They know Harry, and they’re happy for us. This is amazing,” he gushes, snuggling closer to my body. I grin and hold him tighter. I can see it in his eyes every time that I hold him tighter that he loves when I get protective. And obviously he now knows that he’s bottom…

I thought he’d forgotten about the question, but apparently I was wrong. Him asking Zayn that was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The face on Zayn was priceless, like he can’t believe Louis even asked that.

I grunt and pull Louis up with me, “Well, let’s go get some swimming trunks on and meet them at the peer, shall we?”

“We shall,” he flirted, grabbing my hand.

Then I remember, just days ago I was saying that to Louis about popcorn and now I’m saying it as his boyfriend. Life can’t be any greater. I’m in the world’s biggest band, I have the best friends and fans, and I have the most amazing and cutest boyfriend.

He only proves my point by tugging on my hand towards the stares, skipping lightly to bring me faster. I laugh and run behind him, our paces picking up as we climb up the stairs for our room.

Swinging the door open, he goes and sits down on the bed and holds my hands out in front of him. I raise an eyebrow; I thought we were supposed to be getting ready?

“Haz… can we still be all “couply” at the beach?”

My heart stops right then and there when I see the worry and love in his eyes. I can tell that he has always wanted us to be an item like I have. And now here we are, kissing and cuddling. I’ve always wanted to go to the beach with him like those adorable couples, so I don’t even think when I answer because I don’t need to.

“Of course boo,” I lean down and kiss him, “I don’t care what the media says and how many stories are put into the magazines, I’ll be glad because then I know that people see that you’re mine. This is what the world needs to warm up to us, events that show us off,” I say and kiss his lips gently. I can see him squirming with delight when he hears me say this. He obviously really wants to be together as much as I do.

“Now, let’s get ready. We’ll walk there so that we can see the fans a bit and the paparazzi can get a few pictures of us. They won’t trample us together; it’s just not what they do. If we’re walking then they’ll stay to the side. We can even hold hands,” I end up whispering, leaning down on my knees to wrap my arms around his waist, “or I can hold you close.”

He shivers, catching my attention. I laugh and stand up, watching him bounce lightly on the bed as he thinks about things for a few moments while I get my swimming trunks on. I decide that we aren’t going to bring anything but towels since we are going to be walking, and either way we don’t burn easily. As you can see, Louis just plain out tans and I get average, I either tan or I don’t. I was always jealous when Louis would come back home from lying out for about ten minutes and he’s that perfect bronze.

Simply, I Can't Stop Thinking of You. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now