Two Stupid Stunts

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Let's just take a moment to appreciate this GIF.

Louis messes with Harry's ; curls.

Harry messes with Louis' ; suspendors. 

DON'T even get me started on this. It's like... I feel like he's imagining taking them off or something, or just innocently playing with them. It's cute.

Thank you for your time.



(1ST Person)

“Get up, get up, get up!” Niall screams, running up the stairs, Zayn right behind him.

I groan lightly but go limp, tightening my arms around the bundle curling up against my side. Why are they being so loud?

I frown and snuggle back into Louis’ hair, sighing loudly. He’s warm and comfy… he’s the reason I sleep so easily at night.

But of course, the moment has to be ruined.

“Get up you lazy bums!” Zayn shouts, slamming the door open. I moan grumpily and hold onto Louis who stirs a bit, opening a tired eye but quickly shutting it when the light is too bright for him.

Then Niall jumps up on the bed, jumping up and down screaming the same words over and over again, “get up.” Louis mumbles some swear words before burying his face in my chest, making me intertwine our legs even more.

Liam appears at the door, laughing at us as Zayn swipes the blanket off, making Louis squeal from the cold. Niall jumps into the air, before falling onto his back in between us. We break apart, Louis whining from being separated.

Niall grins nose to nose with me and I instantly glare at him, our eyes a complete contradiction. Zayn chuckles and when I hear Louis screaming, I look up to see him being dragged from the bed. I sigh and decide to wake up the best way, which for me, is rolling off onto the floor.

I quickly recover from the fall when I hear the thud from Louis’ body and Niall’s laughter. I crawl to the foot of the bed, sitting to stare down at my boyfriend’s limp body. We are both still in only boxers and I’m fucking freezing.

“Lou, get up,” I murmur, shaking his shoulder. He rolls over to his side, facing me with his tired eyes. I awe and lean down, grabbing his wrists and planting my lips on his.

Liam sighs, “Good, you’re awake. Now come on, you’ve got an hour to get ready before we leave for the interview.”

Louis’ lips break from mine in a very, very over exaggerated whine. He sounds like a five year old. Zayn uncrosses his arms, “See, if we had not come and gotten you, you’d both still be cuddling past the time,” he says and nudges Louis with his foot, “so get up, Liam’s going to cook breakfast.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are,” Zayn says as he pushes Liam out of the room. Niall’s head pops up from the bed and smiles down at them.

“My, you two are a mess!” he exclaims, jumping up and running down the stairs making strange noises that could compete with Louis’.

Our eyes meet for a split second before we both rolled our heads back, huffing loudly. I was really hoping that we could just sleep in, but apparently it looks like we are going to a stupid interview.

Louis stands up, swinging his arms, “Come on Haz, the faster we get ready, the quicker we can get back here and watch a movie or something.”

I nod and use his legs to help me up, his laughter brightening up my morning already. I kiss the temple of his head, “well good morning, gorgeous.”

Simply, I Can't Stop Thinking of You. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now