Chapter 14

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A little short of a year later, all of my friends, Thor, and I, sit on the couch as I grip the couch under me.

Last week, an interviewer spoke to Loki. Thor has lost access to Loki's records, so this is the first we've heard of him for more than half a year.

As the interviewer pops up on screen, the room goes silent as she speaks "Loki Odinson. We have not seen him in over a year. His doctors have cleared him to speak to us."

The camera flips to her walking down a hallway to turn into a bedroom. Inside, Loki sits in an armchair, reading a book. He wears a white button up, black dress pants, and no shoes. His hair is braided.

When he looks up, he gives a warm smile, as he places a bookmark and places the book to the side "Hi, I wasn't aware you were here yet!" He shakes her hand and motions towards his hair as he stands "There's a little girl here that likes to braid hair, as you can see."

"You look lovely." The interview remarks and Loki gives a short nod "Do you mind giving us a tour?"

"Of course!" Loki smiles, before explaining "First off, we're not allowed to have any sharp objects, or doors. My clothes are a violation of the rules, but trust, you don't want to see me in the hospital clothes and slippers."

"I'm sure you would look fine, darling." the interviewer insist, but Loki gives an unconvinced look.

"The only personal items I have here is a couple of photos of my family and loved ones." he shows a couple of him and his family, before continuing "I also have a couple of books, a few ho-hos, a bag of jolly ranchers, and a bag of twizzlers." he chuckles, before explaining "Yeah, me and a few of the other patients play poker with the vending machine snacks."

He walks over to the bathroom and points in "We all know what that's for, but this..." he smacks the doorway of the entrance to the room "If they need to shut you in, they will. That's never happened, thank god."

The camera cuts and shows Loki leading the way. He points over to a room with a wall of glass "That's the rec room. After lunch, we're in there until dinner, unless you're on the list for afternoon exercise, like I am."

As they pass it, the door swings open and a little girl runs out "Loki?" she asks, swaying from side to side with a sad look on her face.

Loki gives a weak smile, before dropping down to her level "What's wrong darling?"

"My daddy didn't come to family day!" she frowns and Loki gives her an equal frown.

"Would a ho-ho cheer you up?" he asks and the girl scrunches her nose "That's right, you don't like ho-hos. What about a twinkie?" the girl lights up and Loki nods, before walking her to the vending machine and buying her one. He holds the door open while she gets it out. Once she grips it in her hand, Loki orders "Now, back to your mum, darling!"

The girl bounces off and Loki sighs "Poor girl." he shakes his head, before continuing the tour. He shows them the cafeteria, and the therapy rooms, before they end up back in his room.

"So, when are you scheduled to be released?" the interviewer asks "Or is that yet to be determined?"

"The tenth of February." Loki nods and I look to Thor. It's the twelfth "Yeah, ummm, I believe I'll be watching this at home."

"So, what are the terms of your release?" the interviewer asks as Loki gets a drink.

"Well, I have an ESA, and I have to take my meds. I'm not allowed to smoke, or drink. And I have therapy once a week."

"Emotional Support Animal?" the interviewer asks and Loki gives a short nod "So, is it a dog?"

Loki shakes his head "I don't like dogs. I was attacked by a dog when I was five." he smirks, before explaining "It wasn't bad, but... when you're five." he shrugs.

He takes another sip, before clarifying "It's a cat. I have an empty support cat." he nods "Yeah, BP. He's about year old, and he's a little black kitten."

"Is there any chance of you getting back into politics?" Loki chuckles at that, before shaking his head "That bad?"

"Yeah, there's absolutely no way." Loki nods, before clearing his throat "I think I'm going to focus on myself for awhile. You know, just getting adjusted to normal life, outside of here." he sighs "I mean, we get to read the news in here."

"In your help entry, you spoke about relationships being destroyed due to your disorder." the interviewer reminds.

"Yes. Yes, I did, didn't I?" he asks, nodding, before licking his lips "Well, that's very hard to explain, but..." he rubs his forehead and continues "The last time I spoke to my brother, before getting here, was a high phone call of me screaming at him about how he was an arsehole."

"The other relationships?"

Loki chuckles, before asking "You're trying to get me to spill the beans, aren't you?" he scratches his forehead "Alright, fine, I'll spill."

He crosses his legs and explains "When my father died, I was dating a great guy. He remembered everything about me. He called me by this idiotic nickname. And I left him, the day Odin died." he looks down.

"If you could say anything to him, what would it be?"

"I'm sorry I left. You should be able to find my number. If you, somehow, still care for me, give me a ring."

The news flip back to the anchors and my friends look to me "You know his number?" Thor asks.

I shake my head, before standing up "I think I just need to be alone for awhile..." and with that, I walk out of the room.

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