Chapter 12

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As we walk into the studio, Loki is pulled into hair and makeup. And over the next several hours, I watch him pose like a god. Any one of those poses would leave me victim to him.

There was one of him in a disheveled suit, and he was barefoot. After that, we had an hour long break, as the photographer was hungry and he'd already done the interview. Let's just say, after the quickie in the bathroom, we had ten less minutes.

The day went well, and we had an amazing night, until two o'clock in the morning rolls around.

It happened so fast.

We were sound asleep when Loki gets a phone call. When he answers with a groggy voice, he has to order "Thor, calm down. What's wrong?"

The grogginess is instantly out of his voice when he looks to me "What hospital?" there's a moment of silence, until he pulls the blanket off of himself "I'm on my way."

As he frantically looks for his keys, he explains "Odin... he had a heart attack! He's in surgery and umm..."

"You're not driving." I inside as I pull on my pants "Come on, I'll drive."

About an hour later, Loki's feet are on the dashboard as I speed down the highway "Can you not drive any faster?" he asks.

"If you want to crash." I grovel and he gives me an annoyed look "I'm going a hundred miles an hour."

"Just, make it go faster!" he orders, before picking up his phone and calling Thor "Any news?"

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose "Thor, what is the nurse telling you?" he sighs again "We'll be there in like ten minutes." then he throws his phone down.

When we finally getting to the hospital, Loki sprints through the halls to find the waiting room.

As Thor spots us, he rises to give a hug to Loki "The nurse said that the surgery started. It's hard to tell how long it'll take."

"It'll take a while." Loki nods, before sitting down and asking "Where are the kids? Jane watching them?"

"No, Heimdall is." Jane smile weakly, as she hands Thor a bottle of water "He'll be fine, Thor."

"I told him to take is damn pills." Thor grovels as I sit in a chair.

As Loki starts pacing the room, I sigh "Loki, come sit down. Please." he glares at me, before continuing "Come on, it's only going to stress Thor out more.

Finally, he sits and we wait for hours. When six rolls around, I clear my throat and rest my hand on Loki's arm "The cafeteria just opened. You should eat something."

"I'm not hungry." he replies as he taps his foot on the ground, before looking to Thor "Go eat. I'll stay here, run to get you if anything happens."

"I'll stay with you." I declare, but he shoes me off. By the time we get to the cafeteria, I ask "How do you think Loki is handling this?"

"About as well as when Frigga was sick." Thor sighs as he retrieves his food "Let's hope it's not the same result."

As we sit, we talk about things. About the fact that Odin was complaining of chest pain. How he collapsed while he and Thor were speaking.

And as we walk back towards the waiting room, the alarms start going off about a code blue.

When we get back, I find Loki has returned to pacing. Despite my wishes, he continues to pace until around eight, when a doctor walks in.

"Are you the family of Odin Borson?" he asks, folding his hands in front of him and speaking too softly.

"We are his sons." Thor states, standing up to speak to the doctor as Jane and I stand, ready to comfort.

"We could not manage to save him." he states, before resting a hand on Thor's shoulder "My apologies for your loss."

Loki tenses next to me and I can see his kneels buckle. As I grab hold of him, he starts trembling as Thor looks to Jane.


As we walk out of the hospital, Loki looks to Thor "I'll be over at the mantion this afternoon. I just have to get my car."

While I drive him home, I hear sniffling in the passenger seat. When I glance over, I find he's sobbing. His face is covered in tears and his hands hide his mouth.

"Hey, now." I sigh, reaching out to grip his thigh "Don't worry. It'll all be okay." he closes his eyes and stays that way until we get home.

When we get home, he marches straight into his room and I go to make him something to eat, online to be met with the sound of the front door opening.

By the time I go and check, I find Loki carrying out two boxes "What are you doing?" I ask as he sits the boxes in the back of his car.

"The assignment is over. Odin is dead." he states as he closes the backdoor, without so much as a glance back at me "You have Odinson as a partner. From now on, you'll go through Thor."

"So you're just leaving?" I ask as he carries the rest of his belongings to his trunk "Just going to walk out?"

With a sigh, he slams the trunk and walks towards the drivers seat. When he climbs in and shuts the door, I lean against the open window.

Finally, he looks to me "I'm liquidating my part of the Odinson fortune. I'm getting the fuck out of California. And you won't ever hear from me again." he says it with stone features.

"Why are you leaving me?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. He simply starts up the car as I hiss "If this is about me taking care of you, the-"

"Stop!" he snaps, before giving me a stare of pure rage "What are you, but a man who fixes when he doesn't want to feel? What could you possibly do to help me, when I'm not broken?" he pants for air as I give him a sad look "Get off my fucking car!"

With a sigh, I lean back and he pulls up the window, before speeding away. And all I can do, is watch.

When I walk back into the house, I shut the door and slide down on it. After a moment, Banner walks up from the lab "Is everything alright?"

I shake my head and stand, before walking into Loki's room to find it the same as before, only the last bullet sits on his nightstand.

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