Chapter 3

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The next morning, I hear Loki scream out in absolute rage "He's not my father!" By the time I walk out of my room, I find Thor and Loki next to the door.

Loki wears a black turtle neck and his eyes are bloodshot. His voice is scratchy and Thor looks at him in worry "Loki, I'm telling you, you need to stop."

"I've stopped, okay?" he says in an annoyed tone "I'm never doing it again! And I understand that I said that last time, but I'm dead serious!"

"Next time, you'll just be dead." Thor huffs in anger "I'll have to bury you. And you might say that I'm not your brother, but it'll still say brother on our headstones."

Once Thor has gotten it off his chest, he slams the door, causing Loki to jump. After a moment, he turns to me "How much did you hear?"

"Are you a junky?" I ask and he sighs in annoyance, before storming off to his room and slamming the door.


I wake in a cold sweat, before standing and walking into the kitchen to find Loki making a couple of fried egg sandwiches "Did I wake you?" he asks.

"No, I was dreaming about Saudi Arabia." I state and he nods. As I look over him, I find he still as an earbud in and his jacket is zipped up all the way.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks and I shrug, before sitting on the couch. As he eats his sandwiches, he asks "What happened in this dream?"

"Did you just get back from a run?" I ask and he nods "It's like midnight!" he shrugs, before I ask "What happened between you and Thor?"

"I'm not a junky." he states, getting egg yoke to run down his chin "That's all you need to know, my friend."

It stings a little, and I ask a question to change the subject "What kind of music do you listen to while you run?"

He unplugs his earbuds and pushes play. Piano music plays and he explains "When I'm upset, I run and listen to piano, to calm myself."

He places his sandwich down, before reaching forward to turn off the music, but I grip his wrist and speak, softly "Don't."

Our eyes lock, before he looks to my lips, then back to me. When our lips meet, he leans me back and hungerly presses against. When I unzip his jacket, he pulls away and panicly tries to zip it back, only I take his hands and examine his neck. You can see the impression of fingers around it.

"What happened?" I ask and he looks to the ground "Did Thanbros do that to you?" I ask, causing him to scoff.

"Thanos." he states, before explaining "It's Thanos, not Thanbros." I give him an unamused look, before he sighs "He figured out that I fucked you, not the other way around. And he practically ripped my pants off." He sighs and looks to the ground "And he choked the life out of me... when I woke up, he had cut me... and left me there."

"Where did he cut you?" I ask and Loki looks down in self-loathing "Come on, I won't judge you."

He shuts his eyes with a look of defeat, before reaching for him zipper, and slowly unzipping his jacket. When he stops about half way down, I lean forward to examine his chest. Across his chest reads "CHEAP WHORE".

When I look at him, I find he looks off to the side, his eyes watery. With a sad smile, I lean even closer and place a soft kiss on his bruised neck, before finishing the job of unzipping his jacket.

A look at confusion comes over his face as I trail down his chest. When he leans me back again, he pulls off my shirt and ravishes my neck.

After a agonizingly long make out session, he finally sits inside of me and all I can do is beg as I grip onto him, desperately.

As we mesh together in a pleasure pile, the piano music plays out on the table next to me and my fingers lock in his mess of black hair.


"What the hell is happening?" Bruce screams, causing both Loki and I to jump in surprise. When I look to him, he sighs "On the couch?"

"Shut up, you big angry rage monster!" I yawn and nuzzle into Loki's cold skin "Morning, frosty."

Loki grovels, before looking to Banner "What a great first impression I made." He sits up and starts to pull on his clothes and pick up his phone, which still plays music "And I'm late!"

He runs to his room, returning in a black suit, which covers his neck "Thor is going to kill me! We scheduled this over a month ago!"

"What is it?" I ask as he combs his hair back with grease.

"Thor and I have always gone to get haircuts together, because the other always picks it out." Loki states.

"Just don't come home bald!" I insist and he gives me a perplexed look "Or you can if you want."

"I'd never!" he smirks, before walking out of the door.

"You're joking?" Banner huffs and I give him a curious look "Tony, he's your fucking business associate! Are you fucking insane?"

"I doubt this will go much farther." I state, before explaining "He just broke it off with his boyfriend. I'm probably a rebound."

"Well, do you want to be more?" He asks and I look down to the ground "Then why don't you tell him that?"

"Because it's not going to be the same!" I snap, before pointing out the door "He's going to run and find someone else, and leave me behind like a piece of trash! I know I'm attractive, but he's a fucking god, compared to me!"

Banner sighs and sits by my feet "Did he tell you that?"

"He didn't have to!" I hiss, pulling on my pants "He's six foot one, and I'm a shrimp with a hole in my chest! Him plus me doesn't add up! Two plus two doesn't equal five!"

"In case you haven't noticed, he has cheap whore carved into his chest." Banner reminds as the doorbell rings.

While Natasha walks through, I spit "Those will heal, and he'll move on! He doesn't belong with me!"

"Who?" Natasha asks and Banner pulls out his phone to show her Loki "You slept with Loki Odinson?"

"And he can't believe that Loki might actually like him back." Banner states, before explaining "Does he know about Saudi Arabia?"

When I nod, Natasha asks "Is he good with kids?" I shrug and she frowns "Well he kinda has to be... Barton and I just got a mission in Saudi Arabia... we leave tomorrow."

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