4.One eyed man

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Fran looks at the baby. Gilda is sleeping peacefully. Not bothered by the scorching heat. They are hiding behind a large boulder. Waiting for the afternoon to arrive. Their journey starts an hour before dawn each day. Traveling for three hours before they set camp. Too risky to travel in the desert during mid-day. 

Garrett said he knew where the Oasis was. They brought a camel with them. Found it near Ragamuth's campsite. Even if they got lost in the desert, the camel would lead them to Oasis. Smelly creature who likes to spit a lot. At least it could carry their belongings.

 At least it could carry their belongings

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Sands. Sands. Sands is everywhere. Their water and food are running out. No sign of Ragamuth's campsite yet.

Fran asks, "Are you sure you know where we are going? It seems we have gone in a circle."

"Of course not! I have traveled this desert with my tribe numerous times."

The boy is too proud to admit he got them lost.

Fran stares to the horizon. A group of men and women are heading their way.

She yells, "Hey, over here!"

Garrett pushes her down instantly.

Fran protests, "What are you doing? Let's ask direction from them."

"Are you crazy? They are slave merchants."

"How do you know?"

"Some of them got tied into one using a long rope. Let's hope they haven't spotted us..."

"Too late! They have seen us! We have to flee!" urges Garrett.

Fran ties Gilda to him. And she helps him to climb up the camel.

She says, "We will meet in the Oasis. "

She spanks the camel and it gallops away.

"Wait, Fran!"

"Go! We will meet later!"

Fran runs toward a different direction from the camel. She tripped and fell down. She quickly rises and starts running again. No use. She has been surrounded.

She draws her blade and fights. Got defeated easily. She should have practices harder when Ellida taught her in the past.

"A pretty slave. I would enjoy her a lot," says a slave trader while holding her chin.

The other slave trader says, "Leave her alone. Someone like her would fetch a lot of money in Althean Kingdom. "

The first slave trader spits to the sand. He whispers, "Don't think you are safe yet, slave. I'll make you scream tonight."

Fran shudders out of fear.

( Is this the end for me?)

She got tied together with other slaves. Men and women alike. Walking in a line. Toward their doom in a slave market.

Love, Betrayal and War (Edited,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now