2.On the run

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Seven months. Two more months, her baby would be born. A son, a prince, a heir for Sigfried. Or a daughter, a sweet little princess.

Francesca would love her child despite the gender. Sigfried has treated her very gentle whenever they meet. As if her unborn child had melted his heart.

Summer has finally arrived. Staring to beautiful sunflowers in the palace garden. Rubbing her belly. Another kick. Her child is a very active kid.

A book of poems has arrived. She has ordered it months ago. Already forgotten about it. There is a mistake. This isn't the book she has ordered. She has already owned a similar book. Baron Rexton gave it to her few years back.

She touches the book, which he has given to her. Opens it up. A letter falls to the floor.

(Strange...why there's a letter hidden here?)

She tears the envelope.

( It's from Baron Rexton! The letter wasn't signed but I know his handwriting. He used to send me numerous love poems. Sigfried burned them all after we got married. Out of jealousy).

He wrote, "Sigfried is a mad man. Get away from him a.s.a.p. I got men who would help you escape the palace at once. Just gave the signal. A white Rose on your bedroom window."

(Why would I leave him?)

He isn't a perfect lover that she has thought in their early marriage. And he used her up like a whore when he's in bad mood. But lately he has changed. Since she's pregnant. Acted more gentle like he used to be in their honeymoon days.

She continues reading.

"Sigfried killed your father, the old king in your wedding day. For some unknown reasons, your father desired to cancel the marriage. And Sigfried killed him."

The letter fell from her grasp.

(It couldn't be true! My husband killed father? No! It must be a terrible lie! Sigfried would never...)

His cold eyes. Sometimes she is frightened of him. She loves her husband very much. But his cold wicked stare could make anyone scared to death.

"Your Majesty! Welcome!" greets her chambermaid.

Francesca quickly picks up the letter and puts it back into the poem book.

"What are you doing, kitty? You look so serious..." asks Sig.

(Could it be true? He murdered father?)

Francesca forces herself to smile.

She says, "I'm a little tired..."

"Being a mother isn't easy."

A good massages to her stiff shoulders.

A kiss to her forehead.

"I miss you, kitty..."

A kiss to her lips. Swaying her, preparing her for their next move.

"I look fat," protests her.

"You always look pretty to me."

"Sorry, Sig. Not in the mood right now."

The rage in his eyes made her shudders. His lips might be smiling. Yet, his eyes told a different story.

Love, Betrayal and War (Edited,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now