Chapter II - Building Neville

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Running around with a bow and a quiver of arrows. Crossing tall bushes. Hiding, waiting for preys to show up. Allie has hunted for fun few times in the past. Usually with Razi.

Today she's hunting for tonight's meal. Heavy responsibilities. People got fed or not, depends on them.

Ronan took this muscle building and manhood too seriously. Construction works and hunting.

(What's next? Wrestling!? Hope not. Her cover would be blown instantly).

A knock to her head. It's him.

Ronan complaints, "You let the game escape again."

Allie responds, "No rabbit. Emmie would kill me if I killed one. She loves bunnies. "

(It's hopeless to turn this wussy into a real man. He dotes too much on his sister).

"There! I shot it down!" yells Allie proudly.

A deer, not bad.

Ronan says, "I've decided. You'll join our hunters three days in a week to fill our meat quota."

Allie asks,"And the rest of the week? "

"Doing odd jobs for me."

She gives him a deadly cold stare. But it seems the general is immune to it. He doesn't even notice it.

A fortnight has passed. And they're still here. The twins have decided to stay here for a while. Until Razi has given up on them. They didn't have much money to travel anyway.

Ronan finally accepted that it's impossible to make the rookie into a real man. Probably his genes's fault. Took too much of his mother's gene. Or spending too much time with his sister, Emmie.

It's comfortable to have him in his tent nowadays. Just like old pajamas.

There he goes again...stretching his body like a cat while moaning a little. Every morning he does it. The weird voices he made reminded him of a woman waking up after a good night sex. Making him hard as a pole every morning.

This is serious. He is no gay. A perfect straight guy. Probably he has neglected his needs for too long. He'll hooked up with a whore the next time he goes to town.

Alistair is an anomaly. Maybe he should just accept him the way he is. It seems all those muscles building tasks hadn't worked.

Who's the wacko here? Holding a crooked Y-shaped branch to locate water beneath ground. Walking slowly like a snail. Trying to locate water deep underground.

Allie is upset. Ronan could see it from his body gestures. Well, Greg said it's a common method to use in digging well. It is better than digging holes everywhere in search of water.

Allie is convinced the general is doing his best to make her life miserable. Walking around holding a branch as if she's a mad woman.

(Water, water, come out wherever you are. I'm tired of walking...)


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