Chapter V - Ajax

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It's almost sunset when she finally reaches Evian. She ties her horse to a tree. Butter. Butter. She must find butter before the shop closes for the night.

She bumps into a guy on her way to the shop.

"Sorry," says her.

She doesn't even look at him. She walks away in a hurry.

Suddenly the guy grabs her hand and turns her around. A kiss to her lips before she could react.

Allie tries to push him away. But he is a lot stronger than her.

From all the men in the world, she has bumped Razi Quillon.

"Ouch, bitch! You bite me!" curses him.

She tries to kick his dick using her knee. But he quickly turns her around.

He mocks, "I'm the one who taught all your moves, babe."

Allie kept struggling and her ass rubs his dick accidentally.

Razi mocks, "You missed me that much? Don't worry. I'll satisfy you completely. "

Allie pleads, "Let me go. Now!"

He rubs her ass, going to the front.

"No, stop! You're my friend, Razi! You can't do this to me! "

He turns her around. Staring to her green eyes.

He confesses, "I always desired you. Since we were training together. But you never see me as a man. "

"You're my best friend. "

"I want more. Your lover. To fuck you. Here..."

He rubs her pussy and her face got reddened.

Sweet Allie...

A soldier has just arrived. He reports, "We lost him, Sir. "

"Idiots! "yells Razi.

He got distracted and she takes the chance. She hits his dick precisely with her knee.

Razi screams and kneels down instantly due the pain. Allie quickly flees.

"Get her!" yells Razi.

The soldiers quickly chase her.

She pushes down a barrel of oil in front of a shop she has just passed.

Some soldiers fall down. But five soldiers are still chasing her. They split up into two groups.

She's running through a bridge. Three soldiers block her path. Two soldiers behind her back. She's trapped.

She looks downward. A cart just passes beneath the bridge. She doesn't think twice and jumps down.


She landed on a man, lying hidden beneath the piles of hays.

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