Chapter XI -End of conflict

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Few days later , a scout reports movements from Razi's troops. A carriage is being under attack right now.

Allie grabs her spear and leads some Swahilan warriors downhill. Ronan quickly follows her.

Razi's men are still attacking the carriage Many guards from the carriage have been slain. There must be someone important in there.

Allie killed some of Razi's men. Ronan guards her back. He is a strong fighter. Every moves are meant to kill.

Razi doesn't seem to care when she killed his men. He only stares her with agony written in his handsome face.

The VIP passenger has jumped out of the carriage. He fights along side of them. The man is wearing a weird helmet. It covers his face perfectly.

Thundering noises and few enemies are shot dead. Greg must be up there. Backing them up.

Ronan cuts off the ropes that bind the horses to the carriage. The mysterious man climbs up a horse immediately. Ronan pushes Allie to climb a horse. They ride the same horse.

Their horses gallop away. Toward Swahilan campsite. Greg kept shooting down their pursuers.

They never made it to the camp. Some arrows have stricken down their horses. They have to flee to the woods.

Their pursuers would be here soon. They kept on running till they are out of breath. Allie has been separated with her tribesmen. Only Ronan and the helmet guy are here with her.

The guy takes off his odd helmet.

Ronan quickly kneels down while saying, "Your Majesty! "

The guy is Emperor Khan!

Allie tightens her grip on her spear. Ready to kill him. But Ronan stands in her way. Shielding him.

Allie yells angrily, "Ajax died 'cause of him!"

Ronan says, "He died in a fair duel. For a warrior, there would be no greater honor than that."

"I'll kill him! He's an evil emperor! "

Khan pushes Ronan aside. He is no weakling, hiding behind his back.

Khan says, "Tell me, what did your king do for his people? Bandits are everywhere. Corruptions in every level of government. The commoners were suffering while the nobles partied all days and nights. "

Allie is silent. It's the truth. She couldn't deny it.

Khan continues, "I fixed the food distribution line once the war ended. Purged bandit lairs one by one. Building schools for commoners 'kids. Irrigation system would be finished in few years. Tell me, is your old king better than me?"

Allie is silent. Then she protests, "You wanted to annihilate the Swahilan tribe!"

Khan sighs. He explains, "I wanted them to settle down. Traditions aren't meant to last forever. The children needs proper home to grow. Not tents. They should have a chance to study and broaden their horizons. Maybe some of them would be great scholars one day. Not everyone cut out to be a warrior. "

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