Chapter 17

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Once everyone finished eating they all got their belongings and headed out the Castle doors to the SSB (Specter Speeder Bus). Maddie and Jack were glad to be out of there. Danny and Sam smile standing outside of the Speeder "We hope you guys enjoyed your tour around Phantom's Keep and City" "Hope you get home safely and have a great rest of your day" Mr. Lancer smiles "Thank your majesties and the same goes for you too" With that the door to the Speeder closes and they head off back to the portal. Once they were out of eyes view Danny, Sam, and Danielle change back to human form in relief "Finally! I was getting sick of being in that form for too long" Danielle said happily Danny and Sam laugh "Us too sweetie" they go back into the Castle and walk to the living room and relax on the couch. "Danny we are almost there" Jazz said through the Fenton phones. Danny smiles and replies back "Great! See you soon" Jazz replies back "You too little brother... Oh I almost forgot! Remember when Mr. Lancer said that you were home during this trip? Well I told Maddie and Jack that you were sick in bed. So I would go through the portal to your room before we get back" Danny blinks and sighs "Alright Jazz be right there..." Sam raises an eyebrow "What about me? What did you guys say about me?" Tucker replies "I told them that you were forbidden to go by your parents" Sam laughs "Sounds about right" Danielle looks at her parents "Are you talking to Auntie Jazz and Uncle Tuck?" Danny smiles "Yes sweetie" then he gets up "I better go now... I don't want to get caught...." Sam nods in agreement "Good idea. See you back here with everyone else" with that Danny left leaving Sam with Danielle. Sam looks at her daughter "Why don't we get the ingredients out for the cookies, so it will most likely ready when Auntie Jazz gets here" Danielle beams a smile "OKAY!!" then she runs to the kitchen making Sam smile with amusement of her daughters antics.

Once the door of the Speeder closed they headed off back to the portal. Team Phantom sighed in relief. Tucker looks at Jazz and Valerie "I'm so glad that this trip was successful" Valerie nods "Yeah! This was a crazy trip" Jazz laughs "I just can't believe no one noticed anything" "Right?" Valerie and Tucker said in unison making everyone look at them. Mr. Lancer raises an eyebrow "What made you scream out like that Mr. Foley and Ms. Gray" Tucker blinked with a sly smile on his face "Oh it's nothing Mr. Lancer" Valerie nods in agreement "Yeah" Dash scoffs "Yeah right!" Paulina laughs "It must be their freak of nature" Jazz rolls her eyes at that. Maddie smiles "Well we are almost there everyone!" Cheers erupted the whole speeder. Jazz spoke into the Fenton Phones "Danny we are almost there" waiting for a reply back "Great! See you soon" Jazz smiles "You too little brother... Oh I almost forgot! Remember when Mr. Lancer said that you were home during this trip? Well I told Maddie and Jack that you were sick in bed. So I would go through the portal to your room before we get back" "Alright Jazz be right there..." "What about me? What did you guys say about me?" Sam questioned Tucker replies "I told them that you were forbidden to go by your parents" Sam laughs through the Fenton Phones "Sounds about right" Valerie snorts while Jazz looks at them in worry "I just hope that Danny will make it there before we get home. I know that he is closer to the portal to his room, but..." Tucker puts a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry Jazz, Danny will be there right when we get to his room" "Your right, *Laughs* I'm just being paranoid" Jazz said smiling while Mr. Lancer over hears them saying Danny's name "Pardon me eavesdropping but, why are you concern of Daniel not making it home? Isn't he already home?" Maddie looks into the mirror suspiciously while Team Phantom glare at Mr. Lancer "You do realize that eavesdropping is wrong right?" Valerie glared. Tucker scoffs lying "We weren't talking about Danny not making it home. We were talking about the time when Danny, Sam, Valerie, and I were late of coming home" Jazz playing along agrees "Yeah, and knowing me I'm always worried about them being late" Valerie nods "It's true she does always worry about us being home late" Maddie shrugs believing it while Mr. Lancer looking down in regret "Ah yes... that would make sense... Sorry for getting into your business" Jack beams a smile "I see the portal! We are here! I can't wait to eat more fudge!!" Valerie sighs and says through the Fenton Phone "Danny we are here" "Okay I'm in my room" Maddie goes through the portal and lands the SSB (Specter Speeder Bus) and opens the door. She turns around and smiles "Alright we are here safe and sound! Please exit one at a time and you can leave through the front door when you have all of your belongings" They all get out of the Speeder and leave the house with ease. Mr. Lancer turns around on the last step of the Fenton's steps "Thank you for taking us to the Ghost Zone. The students and even I had a great time learning about the Ghost Zone's biography. Have a good day Mr. and Mrs. Fenton" then he walked away leaving Maddie and Jack to look at each other in awe while Tucker, Jazz, and Valerie walk up the stairs to Danny's room. Jack blinks "They actually learned something in that place?!?" Maddie scoffs "Ugh whatever" then she gasps "We should check on Danny!" Jack nods "Good idea Mads" they walk up the stairs to Danny's room only to see that Danny was 'well' and was talking to Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie happily. Maddie opens the door even more "Danny! How are you feeling?"

Once Danny left to his room leaving Sam with Danielle he went straight towards his desk and saw that he had unfinished homework sitting there. he snorted and sat down in his chair and went to finish it since he had time. After what seemed to be hours but was only 30 minutes he finished his homework to his best abilities. He sighed "Great... Not only that i'm missing time to be with my Daughter and my girlfriend/wife. I have to wait for the class to come home from my Castle and to be greeted from my 'parents', how wonderful..." then he blinks hearing his Fenton Phone go off "Danny we are here" Valerie said while I smiled "Okay I'm in my room." After a few minutes had went by Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie came into his room. Tucker grins "Dude you ready to go back into the Castle and bake cookies with Dani?" Danny laughs "Sure but I think that's Jazz's job" He looks at her and grins while she snorts and rolls her eyes "That may be true but I think she would be extra happy if her Mother, Father, Uncle, and best friend were there as well" Valerie laughs "Girl you do realize that I was going to stay and help anyway" Jazz laughs "Of course" Danny smiles and chuckles "As much as I would love to be with my daughter I think Sam and I would love to be around each other alone for a while" Tucker gags "Dude.. TMI!" Danny rolls his eyes "We aren't going to go that far Tuck. Get your mind out of the gutter!" Tucker laughs while the door opens even more than it was "Danny! How are you feeling?" Maddie said out of the blue. He turns his head towards her and sly smiles "I'm fine" Jack smiles "That's great Danny boy!" then he looks at Jazz "Jazzrincess! Are you going to stay for the weekend or are you going to go back to college?" Jazz blinks "Haha no.. I'm going back to 'College' this has been too long of a trip for me" Maddie smiles "No problem sweetie. Alright your father and I are going to go back into the lab, be good" Danny shrugs "Okay" they left leaving Team Phantom to go back into the Ghost Zone. Tucker smiles "Come on guys, I can't wait to get started on making the cookies with Dani!" he runs into the portal making Danny chuckle "Alright lets go, Dani and Sam are waiting for us" With that they all go into the portal back into the Castle to hang as a family.

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