Chapter 16

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When morning came Danny and Sam went down to the dungeon where Jack and Maddie were. They are going to get them out of there so they can eat a proper meal with the class then leave peacefully... hopefully... Once they got there Maddie looked up huffed. "About time you came" Sam crosses her arms "I wouldn't talk like that to us Maddie" Maddie narrows her eyes "Yeah? How come?" Sam narrows her eyes then looks at Danny "I think we should leave her here and take Jack instead" Jack raised an eyebrow while Maddie glares at her. Danny snorts "As much as that sound like a good idea, you know we can't. We need them and the class to leave safely" Sam sighs "I know" then she looks at them "Now if you two cooperate nicely, you will get a proper meal with the class and leave with ease" Jack nods "Of course. To be honest we were going to ask if we could have a temporary truce till we leave from this.... place" Maddie scoffs "Jack you mean putrid place but yes, a truce..... for now" Danny and Sam look at each other then back at them "Deal" Danny then glares while Sam opens the jail cell "You better keep your word" Jack and Maddie walk out then follow the King and Queen up the stairs to the dining room.

Right after Danny and Sam went down to the dungeon the rest of the class woke up and went downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. Once they got there they saw Danielle, Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie already eating. Mr. Lancer saw that there was no food left on the table "Good morning, I can see that you've been chowing down" They jump in surprise making Jazz laugh "Yup! Do***" Dash screams interrupting her "There is no food left! FOLEY MUST OF ATE IT ALL!" Tucker taking a bite of a piece of bacon looks at him offended "Tucker didn't eat all of the food Dash. It was all of us" Valerie said annoyed. Paulina frowns "Will there be anymore food?" Star agrees "Yeah, I mean we are all famished!" Jazz sighs "Like I was going to say, more food is on it's way. So come and sit and wait patiently till it come's out" The A-Lister's sit down with guilty looks while Mr. Lancer looks at the rest of the Royal family "What did you guys talk about while we were still asleep? Err if you don't mind me asking?" Team Phantom looked at each other and thinks.


Team Phantom walks downstairs into the kitchen. Danielle jumps up and down excited "What's for breakfast Daddy! Is it me and Uncle Tucks favorite?" Danny laughs "Yes it is sweetie. Why don't you and Jazz go and make the table while the food is being made?" Jazz nods "Sure, come on Dani" Danielle whines "But I don't want to!" Jazz smiles "If you help me I promise when this whole trip is over, we will bake cookies together" Danielle gasps in glee "OKAY!" Tucker rubs his already hungry stomach "Aww man! Your making me even more hungry" Sam laughs "Come on meat lover tell Jackson how you want your sausage cooked" Tucker narrows his eyes "He already knows? I mean COME ON! Every chef knows how I like my meat cooked" Danny smirks "He's gotcha there Sam" Valerie laughs "I thought you knew?" Sam sighs tiredly "Sorry, of course I knew that... It's just this stupid field trip is making me so tired, I'm not thinking straight" Tucker nods "Can't argue with that" "MOMMY!! DADDY!! Is the food ready yet?" Danielle screamed from the dining room" They could hear Jazz scolding her from being too loud. Danny chuckles and walks into the room "Just about *Then he looks back into the kitchen then back towards them* never mind... It's finished" Once the food came out they all started to dig in. Tucker being himself started to moan in delight making Sam look at him in disgust. Danny starts to chuckle while Jazz and Valerie roll their eyes. Danielle not paying attention is just enjoying her food in peace. Once everyone was about done with their food Danny and Sam got up from their seats "We are going to tell the chefs to start to make food for our guests and go and get Maddie and Jack and hope they aren't going to make a huge fuss about everything..." Sam said, Jazz sighs "No problem guys. See you in a bit" They nod walk away. Danielle looks at Jazz "Auntie Jazz why does Grandma Maddie and Grandpa Jack act like they do?" Jazz sly smiles "It's just their terrible obsession of ghosts sweetie" She frowns "But why don't they understand that we aren't evil?" Tucker sighs "We don't really know why kiddo" "Good morning, I can see that you've been chowing down" Mr. Lancer said out of nowhere making them jump in surprise.

*End of Flashback*

Valerie sly smiles "We don't really want to say" Danielle looks at him "But I will say that Mommy and Daddy went to get Jack and Maddie from the dun... DUNGEON! Yeah the dungeon" "I'm so proud of you for figuring out a new word sweetie" Danielle turns around to see Danny and Sam walk in with Jack and Maddie in tow. "Thanks Mommy" Mr. Lancer looks at Jack and Maddie "Are you two okay Mr. and Mrs. Fenton?" Maddie sighs "Yes, thanks for your concern Mr. Lancer" Danny looks at them "You may sit and wait for the food to come out" Danielle looks at Danny "Daddy can I have chocolate from the kitchen?" He chuckles "Go right ahead but leave some for the cookies later" She smiles "OKAY!" she runs to the kitchen and then sticks her head through the wall "The food is ready it will be out in a second" her head disappears back into the kitchen making Tucker start laughing. Maddie scoffs while the students cheer in happiness. Sam claps her hands "When you finish eating you guys will head to the SSB (Specter Speeder Bus) back home to the portal"

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