Chapter 10

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Once everyone sat down in the chairs in the dining room, everyone started to grab some food with hunger. Sam helped Danielle cut her pancakes while Tucker grabbed all of the bacon and 3 pieces of sausages and placed them on his plate in hunger and delight. Dani looks where the bacon was and starts to pout "Aww avunculus Tuck (Uncle Tuck) I wanted some bacon!" Tucker looked at Dani "Sorry sweetie here" he placed 4 pieces of bacon on her plate. She smiles brightly "Thank You avunculus Tuck! Amabo te!" (Uncle Tuck! Love you!) Tucker smiles and chuckles "Amo etiam kiddo" (Love you too kiddo) Danny, Sam, Valerie, and Jazz smiled at that making Mr Lancer look at them confused. "Pardon me asking Mr Foley, but what language were you and Princess Danielle speaking?" Danielle smiles "That was Latin! My Mommy and Daddy taught me it!" Then she turned to Sam and Danny "Did I do great?" Danny smiles "You did great sweetie! Mommy and I are so proud" Dash scoffed "That doesn't tell us how Foley knows the language!" Tucker Huffs "I learned it myself one day" dash narrowed his eyes "Then what did she say?" Tucker grinned "Sorry that is classified information" Dash screamed "What! What do you mean classified!" "Mr Baxter! That's enough!" Mr Lancer scolded. Dash crossed his arms and huffed. Jazz looked at Danny "Hey Danny? Should we get everyone ready for the tour around the kingdom?" Danny smiles "Thats a great idea Jazz!" Then he turns to everyone "When you are ready please follow us to the Castle doors for the tour around the kingdom" Sam turned to one of the guards "Could you please watch over the prisoners like a hawk while we are away? Oh and please feed them." The guard nodded "Of course your majesty, I'll have 2 others watch with me as well" Sam smiles "Wonderful" Then she walks to Danny "We ready to go?" Danny smiles "Yep" Then they all walk out of the Castle doors.

"LET US GO YOU ECHO PLASMIC SKUM!" Maddie screamed struggling to get out of the guards hold. One of the guards spoke "Not in your life prisoners. You are going to stay here in this dungeon till the King and Queen release you." The guards throw them into the glowing blue and green jail cell closing it shut locking it. Maddie glares "You won't get away with this Putrid Ghost!" Jack gets up and runs up to the cell "YEAH! WHEN WE GET OUT OF HERE I'M GOING TO RIP YOU SKUM APART MOLECULE BY MOLECULE!" the guards laugh "Yeah right" before they left the room but outside the door guarding it. Jack sighed and turns around "Mads what are we going to do?" Maddie sighs as well "I hate to admit it Jack but I don't know...." Jack blinks in shock while Maddie continues "I know this isn't how this Field Trip was suppose to run. I mean come on Jack we didn't even know where to go on this trip! Jazz knew we didn't know and gave us a suggestion to go to ..... to this place. Now look at us, we are now in this jail cell while Mr Lancer and the kids are in trouble and we aren't there to keep them safe!" Jack walks over to Maddie and places a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry Mads we will find a way out of here and get those kids to safety" Maddie looks at Jack "I hope so...." 2 guards walk into the room and places two trays of food on the ground and slid it towards them "Please eat the King and Queen don't want you two to starve" with that they leave again to guard the door with 2 others since everyone went out for the tour but of course Jack and Maddie doesn't need to know that. Maddie scoffs at the food "I'm not eating that! They could have poisoned it!" Jack looks at the food then back at Maddie "I don't think they did Maddie.... but I'm going to risk it because I'm famished!" Maddie sighs "Alright......"

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