Chapter 6

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Once Danny gave Tucker and Valerie the Fenton Phones so that they can contact each other, Danny went back into the portal from his room back to the Castle in the Ghost Zone. Sam went up to him "We should hang with Danielle before our class comes and gives us a hell of a day" Danny sighs "Good idea" They go into the kitchen to where Danielle is finishing up her breakfast. Danielle looks up from her empty plate "Mommy I finished!" Sam Smiles and takes her empty plate away and puts it in the sink. Danny walks up to his daughter "Hey kiddo, do you want to play before they get here?" Danielle smiles brightly and starts to jump up and down "Yes! Yes! Can we play just dance!!" Sam smiles "Yes we can. I want to see your father whine from dancing" Danny pouts while Sam starts to laugh. Danielle smiles "Yay!"
....2 hours later from playing Just Dance....
Danielle jumps up and down with glee "I WON!!!" Danny falls to the ground from exhaustion "I....HATE!!!...... That game!" Sam snickers "Oh come on Danny you did great, even though you did make a fool of yourself" Danny narrows his eyes at her "Haha very funny..." Danielle frowns "Wow, daddy why are you being a sore looser?" "Ohhhh! You just go burned by your own daughter!" Sam exclaimed while Danny sighs in defeat. Then he heard his Fenton Phone go off. "Danny we are here, so be aware if anyone knocks on the door" Jazz says while Danny looks at Sam "They are here" Sam sighs "Ok we are pretty much ready" Danny nods and turns to Danielle "Honey we want you to be on your best behavior, also if you are in any danger what's so ever scream as loudly as you can" Sam nods as well "Yes we don't want you to get hurt or in danger" Danielle smiles and nods her head "Ok Mommy, ok Daddy" Danny smiles and replies to Jazz. "Okay Jazz we are all ready" Jazz Smiles "Great see you in a minute little brother." Sam looks at Danny "Alright now we just need to wait for a knock on the Castle doors" Danny nods "Yep" Danielle squeals "I can't wait to see Uncle Tuck and Auntie Jazz and Valerie!" Sam smiles "Remember don't scream out their name like that. We don't want to cause suspicion" Danielle nodes her head "Okay!" Once she said that they heard a knock on the Castle door, and Danny then opened the Castle doors with an excepting smile. "Welcome to Phantom's Keep. We were expecting you" Danny said then Sam moves to the side "Come on in" Everyone except Maddie went inside "I'm not going in there! Also How did you know we were coming?" Danielle giggles "My Daddy has his ways!" Danny smiles at his daughter "That's right sweetie. Besides news goes around fast in the Ghost Zone, Since Ghost go to Amity Park" Maddie's eyes narrowed "You haunt Amity Park!" Danny crosses his arms "I haven't been there in 2 Days, I found out because I'm the King and need to know for my people's safety" then he closes his eyes and reopens them "Now, please come inside?" Maddie glares "No" Danny shrugs then smirks "Okay it's your choice" then he closes the door in her face and walks to Mr. Fenton, Mr. Lancer and the class along with Sam and Danielle. Mr, Lancer looks at Danny "Where is Mrs. Fenton King Phantom?" Danny shrugged "She didn't want to come in, so I just closed the door in her face. I offered her a second chance but she didn't budge, so I left her there" Sam snorts "Her loss" Team Phantom starts to laugh at what Sam said.

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