Chapter 1

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"Mommy, Daddy please don't go!" Screamed Danielle. Sam turns around and faces her Daughter "Aww Sweetie, we have to. Don't worry we will see you after school" Danny pipes in "Also your Auntie Jazz will be watching you, so you won't be lonely in the Castle". Danielle's frown turns into a sly smile "Ok I guess... I just want you to be here, we had so much fun over the weekend. Sam smiled "We know honey and don't worry we will have some fun later ok" Danielle smiles "Ok!" Danny smiles "We will see you soon" Danielle walks over to Jazz "Bye" Then Danny and Sam transformed and flew away.
(Time skip)
Danny and Sam walked into Casper High and went to first period. Mr Lancer saw Danny and Sam walk into the classroom and sits in their seats next to Tucker and Valerie. "Ahh Daniel and Samantha nice to have you join us, I was about to announce an important message to all of you" Danny's eye brows raised up "Um about what Mr Lancer?" Mr Lancer smiles "We are going on a Field Trip to the Ghost Zone! Isn't that exciting?" Team Phantom freezes and looks to each other with worried looks while everyone else cheers with excitement. Tucker looks a Mr Lancer and asks with a little worry "Um who is leading this trip?" Mr Lancer doesn't notice the worry in Tucker's voice and replies "Maddie and Jack Fenton who else?" Paulina screams with excitement "I can't wait to see the ghost boy!" Star looks at Paulina "Yeah I'm sure we will see him" Dash pipes in "Of course we will! I mean he's like an A-Lister so he has to see us" Danny rolls his eyes and mumbles to himself "Ha in your dreams, that's probably never going to have to happen" Mr Lancer Interrupts "The Field trip is tomorrow so don't forget to bring food, water and comfortable shoes." With that the bell rings and Team Phantom runs out of the classroom. Danny looks at his friends with a worried face "Guys how are we going to do this? Mr. Lancer had to make a field trip with our stupid English class to the most dangerous place and ask my parents to guide us!" Valerie gives Danny a sly smile "I don't know, but we have to tell everyone of our allies what's happening" Tucker smiles "Good idea Val, we need to do it now" Sam glares at Tucker "We can't Tuck, we have to go to next class" Danny gives Sam a sly smile "I agree with Tucker, Sam we need to warn Jazz and Dani. I'm sure that's one of the places my parents and the whole class wants to visit". Sam sighs "Alright lets go" Team Phantom goes into the Janitors closet and Danny and Sam transforms into Danny Phantom and Samantha Phantom, then grabs Tucker and Valerie goes intangible and flies invisibly to the ghost portal to the Ghost Zone straight to Phantoms Keep.

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