Chapter 2

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When they got to the Castle they went straight inside to look for Jazz and Danielle. Sam went into the kitchen to see if they were there and yep they were. Danielle looks up from her food and gasps "MOMMY!" When Jazz heard her Niece yell she looked up from her book "Sam! What are you doing here?" Sam sighs "We have a problem" Jazz looked at her with worry "What kind of problem?" Danielle got up from her seat and went to Sam and Sam picked her up and spoke. "Why don't we go to the living room where everyone else is so that we could explain" Danielle gets excited "Daddy's here too Yay!" Jazz smiles at Danielle "Alright lets go" They went to the living room and saw Danny, Tucker, and Valerie sitting on the couches waiting patiently. Danielle yells "DADDY!!" Sam puts her down so she can run to Danny. Danny smiles at his Daughter and opens his arms for a hug. "Hi Sweetheart" Jazz sits down with Sam "Ok what's going on? What's the problem?" Danny sighs "Mr. Lancer thought it was okay to bring our stupid English class to the Ghost Zone for a Field Trip and ask Our idiot parents to guide us" Jazz eyes wides and facepalms "WHAT! No no, that's a stupid idea" Then she sighs "What are we going to do? When's the Trip?" Valerie replies to the second question "The Field Trip is tomorrow, so that's why we skipped the rest of school to come here" Danny looks at Jazz "We were thinking of telling our Allies about this trip and maybe some of the ghosts, so it won't be a disaster" Sam nodes her head "Yeah and we were thinking this was one of the places that they were going to stop since you know we are the Royal Family" Jazz nodes in understanding "Got it, so we better get started on telling everyone about this" Sam Scolds her Daughter "And clean up this mess too, we don't need them to see this mess" Danielle smiles slyly "Ok Mommy" Tucker pipes in "Alright let's do this." With that they go off telling everyone about the Trip.
(Time Skip)
"Guys. How am I going to explain why I am here in the Zone with the Ghost King and Queen's Daughter?" Jazz exclaims worriedly. Danny thinks "Well I was thinking about that and I was thinking, since everyone in the Zone knows about the trip, Sam and I should stay here at the Castle with Danielle while you guys go on the trip, and try to keep Our parents out of trouble." Sam gives Danny an approval nod "I like that idea Danny but how are they going to explain to your parents that we aren't on the trip?" Jazz smiles "Leave that to me!" Danny smiles "Great! alright let's get some sleep for tomorrow" With that they all go to their rooms and fall asleep.

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