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'Death of Yinka Heaven Simon' I typed on the Google search engine. The results came out but they were pretty useless. These people were just describing the place the incident took place in and my pictures and the 'missing'  posters we designed but nothing else!

"Why isn't there anything about her death?!" I screamed hitting my laptop with my palms in aggravation. Yimika nodded in understanding as she reached out to hug me.

I hugged her tightly and cried into her shoulder. She was the best friend I could ever ask for and I couldn't imagine what would've happened if she wasn't in my life. I never told her that,  but I guess she understood.

 "It's okay. We'd move on anyhow. God helping us" she said rubbing my back in soothing circles.

I nodded and sat up wiping away my tears as I turned back to my MacBook, totally ignoring the last part of her statement. I tried to type but I couldn't, my hands were just frozen. Yimika collected it from me and began to type away.

I let her take it even when I knew she would find nothing.

At the end, she just sighed and put it down, she gave me a sympathetic smile and lay down on the bed. "Nothing?" I gulped, already knowing the answer. She shook her head and I shrugged nonchalantly but deep down I was just scared and shattered.

I let out a shaky breath as my mind flew back to the man that had been threatening me four days ago. As fast as lightning, I bolted up from the bed and looked around quickly, but saw no one then I settled down back on the bed only to have Yimika send me a questioning look.

I shrugged it off again. It seemed like I just kept trying to shrug my problems off but it wasn't working at at all. I inhaled sharply and clenched my fist.

I wasn't a good sister in the past.

But I will be now.

I promise you.


"Are you okay?? What's with the getting up and looking around?" She asked worriedly.

"Don't want to talk about it" I deadpanned as I picked up my phone to look through my Instagram account.

"I think we should pray about this" she suggested. I threw her an irritated yet cold glare that was meant to shut her up but she continued anyways.

"You see, God has his way of working things out so if you at least put this in his hands to..."

"Shut up, Yimika!" I growled clenching my fists tighter. She exhaled and nodded, I knew I was being rude, but she should know by now that I hated talking about 'GOD' and it's really annoying how people around me keep bringing Him up and I am forced to talk about Him.

Like what don't you understand in a simple 'I don't believe in God' statement?! Or is it only me that has ears to understand??

"I'm sorry" She apologized and got up. "You obviously need some space. I'm not angry at you, understand that. but if you need me for anything, don't hesitate to call me, I'd be downstairs with your mom" with that she walked out of the room.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my palm. My life is really like a movie, an interesting movie. And in reality, its a night Mare


Monday came faster than expected, another day in hell. I drank a glass of water and quickly had my bath, brushed my teeth, my hair was in braids already, so I left it at that.

I slipped on my uniform and wore my black shoes. I packed up my back pack. Books, folders, tablet, charger, lip gloss, deodorant, perfume, water bottle, wallet, pencil case, math set, wipes.

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