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After the incident with Yimika and Daniel, I tried my best to ignore both of them. I didn't speak to Yimika and at a point she too was beginning to ignore me which seemed preposterous to me. She wouldn't sit with me, she wouldn't look at me, she wouldn't even regard me. I knew it was also hurting her because once she forgot we were on bad terms, she turned to talk to me. I'd also smiled at her also forgetting, almost immediately, we remembered and turned away from each other. As much as I hate to say this, it upset me.

If we were to look at this with sense, I am the victim and because of her irrational decisions, we are where we are. And let's be honest...

I could easily get someone to sit with because almost every would kill to sit with me so it really isn't a big deal.

I think

"Simon, Owolabi and Johnson are in one group" the chemistry teacher, Mrs. Joanna said snapping me out of my thoughts.

Wait, what?!

"Pardon?" I said blinking unsure of what I heard. "You're in a group with Yimika Owolabi and Daniel Johnson." She repeated staring at me directly.

"There's a mistake. Mrs. Joanna. We can't be in a group together." I scowled at the teacher.

 "Miss Simon, I think it would be better to hold your temper, or petty attitude, you seen to have forgotten that this is Nigeria not U.K, the rude attitude that teachers are forced to put up with over there shouldn't extend here by any means." The teacher said coldly peering at me through her glasses.

Okay now what?! No seriously, is it my fault that am here in Nigeria?! Not that I wanted to come down here anyways, I don't care if my mom was from Nigeria.

"It's U.S, not U.K" I said with gritted teeth. Some students giggled whilst the others whispered. "Stand up. Come over here and kneel down. With your hands raised up" she commanded in a fierce tone, but I didn't budge.

"Ma'am, I don't kneel down or do any of those unconventional things you guys do here so..."

"Minus fifteen marks. Yemisi, if you think you can be rude to me and get away you're wrong. I won't have it. You're suspended for a day, You may take your leave now."

"one school free day for me." I said faking a laugh and excitement.

One look at her face made me laugh even more. She grabbed her things angrily as the siren blared loudly. "Ciao!" I called after her as she left.

"you're rude. non of that was called for" Yimika said coming up to me. I scowled fiercely at her

 "who called you?! Why did you come when you're not wanted. No. we must all recognize her presence, all hail saint Yimika Owolabi"

"Look, yemisi I don't know what's gotten into you..."

"Nope" I said stressing the p. "something's gotten into you instead."

"Is this all about Daniel?!" she yelled making the whole class look at us

"Yes. It may seem petty to you, but it doesn't... to me!" I whispered " Suddenly you give up on our friendship and.."

"We're still friends you psycho!"

"Can you give me a break and stop yelling?" I glared at her " And if we're still friends. prove it. Don't talk to Daniel for this month. Ignore him"

"There's no way I'd do that."


"So what's your point? That I can't be friends with anyone except you?! Fine! I'm sorry! But I can't be friends with only you! The earth doesn't revolve around you alone so snap the hell out of it!" She snapped and walked away.

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