Chapter 1

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As I walk into a bar, I spot a man, dressed in black. With a smirk, I sit next to him and order a scotch. The man smirks at me "We're of the same taste." He speaks with a British accent. His black hair is pulled back into a bun. His eyes are blue, and his nails are painted black "What brings you here?"

"Looking to hook up." I state and he nods "What's your name?"

"You can call me Luka." he smirks, before asking "And may I ask for yours?"

"Tony Stark." I smile as the bartender places a drink in front of me and refills Luka's. When he reaches the grab it, I find he wears a rainbow bracelet "You're gay."

"Indeed." he smirks mischievous, before looking me over "And I doubt you have a problem with that, seeing as you're at attention."

I clear my throat and cross my legs, before asking "Are you big spoon or little spoon, Luka?"

"Big." he states, downing his drink with ease "What about you?"

I bite my lip and explain "I'm a business man. At times, all I want to do, is pass the control onto someone else."

He smirks "Mister Stark, would you like me to take control tonight?" I blush on that, before he takes out his wallet and pays for our drinks "Your place?"


As we walk into my living room, he smirks and I sigh "Yeah, I'm kinda loaded..."

"I knew that the second you walked into the bar." He states, before explaining "I know that that watch is worth thousands."

I nod, before leading him to bed.


When I walk up to the Odinson mantion, a tall man with blonde hair opens the door. The Odinson empire is based on political ties. Odin wants to open into my science.

The man speaks in an Australian accent "Hello, I'm Thor Odinson. You must be Tony Stark?"

"Yes." I smile, shaking his hand. He invites me in, and I'm met with Odin stepping off of a staircase.

He greets me, before looking to Thor "Where's Loki?"

"I don't believe he got the message about our appointment. I believe he's on the treadmill." Thor states.

Odin looks to me "I assure you, Loki is usually very professional. He's just going through a phase."

"I'd love to meet him." I smile holding my hands in front of me.

With a nod, they lead me through a their house, before stopping at a door. When it opens, the man on the treadmill, jumps on the sides with grace, before turning it off.

When he turns around, I find it's Luka. He gives a warm smile, before patting his forehead with a towel "I wasn't aware there was a meeting for today. When was it scheduled?"

"Yesterday afternoon." Odin states, giving Luka an unamused look "You would have known, if you would have gotten home last night, Loki."

"My apologizes. I checked the schedule yesterday morning, thought I could go out last night." he states, before turning to me "Nice to meet you, I'm Loki Laufeyson."

"Odinson." Odin states, causing Loki to roll his eyes "If you will excuse him. Loki, go wash up. I expect you to join us, with a new attitude."

Loki brushes past me and disappears down the hall, before Odin moves us to his office. By the time he pours my tea, Loki slips in, in a black suit, and greased back hair.

He shakes my hand, before taking a seat and clearing his throat "If you don't mind me asking, what is our business here?"

"Mister Stark is here to pitch us his work." Odin states, pouring tea for Loki. Loki nods shortly, before loading his tea with sugar.

"Stark Industries is robotics." I start, before explaining "Anything from bodyguards, to heart pacers, to vacuum cleaners."

"And what's that?" Loki asks, tapping on the center of his chest "If I may ask, what is it's purpose?"

"When Stark Industries was a weapons manufacture, we were testing in Saudi Arabia." I begin, before elaborating "My transport was taken over by a terrorist cell, and shrap metal got caught in my chest." I open my shirt to let them see the reacter "To keep the metal from killing me, I created an arc reacter."

Loki sips on his tea "Why didn't you have them removed?"

I lick my lips, before explaining "I have been warned. If they operate, I will die. There's no doubt about it."

Loki nods, before going silent and letting Odin talk. Mainly, he seems to space out, as do I, until Odin states "It's decided. Loki will work with Stark as a co-owner."

"Wat?" Loki asks, coming out of his daze "Why?"

"Loki, you've always loved science." Odin states and Loki grovels, before Odin looks to me "He will start tomorrow."

"Malibu is like three hours away!" Loki hisses.

"Then we'll find you a flat." Odin states.


When I get back to my house in Malibu, I walk down to my lab to find Banner tinkering with some chemicals "I'm trying to find an alternative to fossil fuels." he sighs as I sit next to him.

"I slept with Loki Odinson." I state and he looks at me in shock "And his father is making him work here. Starting tomorrow."

Banner places his hand on my shoulder, before sighing "Well... was it worth it?" he asks, before explaining "The sex?"

I nod and he pats my shoulder "It was the best sex I ever had... including with Pepper." I grovel, before resting my head in my hands "What am I going to do?"

"Why'd you sleep with him if you knew he was an Odinson?" he asks and I sigh "You didn't know he was an Odinson?"


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