Chapter 15: Vampire in Ever After!

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      Draculaura looked around as she walked down the street of the Village of Bookends. It was all strange, and she didn't know what to make of it. She was trying to really hide her fangs this time, she doesn't need more people freaking out about a vampire who would never even think about hurting anyone. She found a tea shop and walked in. She walked up to the counter. She didn't notice that Cari was at a table, watching her. "What can I get you? Tea? Scones? Oooh, muffins. You look like a muffin girl." The Mad Hatter commented. "Um, okay. Tea and a muffin, please." Draculaura told him. He nodded and walked into the kitchen. Cari walkee up to her. "Hey again." Cari greeted. "Oh, hi." Draculaura greeted. "That's Maddie's dad, the Mad Hatter. We're from Wonderland, so we're all a bit mad." Cari told her and Draculaura nodded. "I don't know what Wonderland is." Draculaura told her and Cari smiled. "You're not from here, are?" Cari asked. "No. Wait, you're not afraid of me?" Draculaura asked. "No, you seem way to nice to hurt anyone." Cari replied and Draculaura smiled. "Thank you." Draculaura commented. Mad Hatter came out with her tea and muffin. He walked back into the kitchen. "I need your help." Cari told her as she took a sip from her tea. "With what?" Draculaura asked. "Getting you back home and bringing Lizzie back to us." Cari replied. "Do you think we can do that?" Draculaura asked. "Yes." Cari replied.
     Draculaura sat at the Mad Hatter's tea shop. She was waiting for Cari to come back. She had a lot on her mind. She's the only vampire in this normie town, only monster at all. The normies here don't even know monsters exist, not until they met her at least. Dhe will never hurt anyone, but they're all afraid of her. She doesn't know how to make them see that she'll never hurt them. She wants to stop the Necromancer and return home to her boyfriend and best friends. She's worried about what the Necromancer is planning. There's only one thing he can be planning. To bring back the dead. Her dad told her that he wanted to make an army of undead. But what she didn't know was why. She had to find out, before he brings her mom back. Draculaura knows it won't actually be her mom, but it will still hurt to see her as a mindless thing and to have to destroy her. Draculaura sighed as she wiped away a tear.
     The Wonderlandians walked in and they all sat down. "I'm probably not aloud back at your school." Draculaura told her. "We're waiting until everyone is asleep and we're going to sneak to the library to meet Daring." Alistair told her. "Won't you get in trouble?" Draculaura asked. "We use to evade the Queen of Hearts when we sneak around the palace in Wonderland. We can deal with Mr. Grimm for a couple of hours when he's asleep." Tammy replied and Draculaura nodded. "Okay then." Draculaura agreed. "Sneaking out isn't what we'll get in trouble for, it's where we're going." Kitty told her. "You're not aloud at the library?" Draculaura asked. "No, we're sneaking to the forbidden library." Marchness replied. "We have one of those too." Draculaura told them. "What do you know about the Necromancer?" Bunny asked. "That my mom died when I was young and my dad almost asked a Necromancer to bring her back to life. Now he wants to do that anyways, because he's making an army of the undead, but I don't know why." Draculaura replied. "He wants to bring Lizzie's sister back as well, the sister she never knew she had." Kitty told her. "But we can take an evil Necromancer. We defeated the Jubjub bird, Bandersnatch, and Jabborwocky.... And they're really vicious creatures in Wonderland." Tony commented. "My friends and I defeated a normie and shape shifter who wanted to have vampires and werewolves fighting each other, an ancient vampire who wanted to literally steal my heart, a normie who wanted to lock us up, a normie who wanted to frame us, an evil ghost who tried to lock up my best friend, an evil genie, a vampire who wanted to control me and make vampires superior, and a ghost who wanted to haunted monsters." Draculaura explained. "Wow." Maddie commented. "We've had a lot of bad luck with people trying to destroy us, and me and my friends are always caught in the middle." Draculaura told them. "All of us together, this Necromancer has no chance." Cari told them.
    Draculaura snuck into the school. She looked around, but wasn't sure where the library is. She looked up and saw Daring walking down the stairs and he walked up to her. "Draculaura, right?" Daring asked and she nodded. "That's right." Draculaura replied. "Follow me and I'll lead you to the library." Daring told her. "Okay." Draculaura agreed. "And be quiet." Daring told her. "I will." Draculaura agreed. "Let's go." Daring commented. They snuck down the hall and stopped in front of big iron doors. "This is the forbidden library?" Draculaura asked. "No, the regular library. The entrance to the forbidden library is inside." Daring told her. "This school and my school apparently have a lot in common." Draculaura commented.
      They walked inside and Draculaura looked around. "Impressive." Draculaura commented. Marchness appeared around the corner of a bookshelf. "Over here." Marchness told them. They went around the corner and saw a door. "It's locked." Dina told them. "I can handle it." Kitty told them. She grinned as sge disappeared and reappeared inside the library. She looked around. It was sort of small, they all couldn't fit in there. She looked at the door, and saw there wasn't a lock. It must be a key, not surprising, but they don't have a key. She disappeared and reappeared outside of the library. "It's small, and we don't have a key. I might have to look around and see what I find." Kitty told them. Draculaura grabbed a skullette key from her purse. "This could help." Draculaura told them. "That probably won't work on this door." Daring told her. "It's a skullette key, they unlock anything." Draculaura told them. "In your realm." Tammy commented. "Only one way to find out." Draculaura commented. She walked in and put the key in the key hole and turned it as they heard a click. Draculaura grinned as she opened it. "I'll check it out." Draculaura told them. They nodded and she walked in.

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