Chapter 3: Father Issues!

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Monster World!
     Cleo jumped when she saw her friends running in the hall, as fast as they could. They almost ran into her and Ghoulia, but they then skidded to a halt. "Oh my rah! What's going on here?" Cleo asked. The group stopped to catch their breathe. "Dracula. Here." Clawdeen replied. "What? Are you sure?" Cleo asked. "Positive." Frankie replied. "Ahhhh ahhh?" Ghoulia asked and Cleo nodded. "Yeah, are you sure going toward him is a good idea?" Cleo asked. "We are trying to warn Draculaura." Lagoona replied. "I'm sure she can handle her own father, can't she?" Cleo asked. "Dracula doesn't just show up like this, so we want to help prepare her for the worst." Frankie replied and Ghoulia nodded. "Ahhhh." Ghoulia told them. "She's right, let's go." Cleo agreed and they all ran off.
      Draculaura stood there speechless. She starred into her fathers eyes as he stood at the doorway. "Daddy?" Draculaura asked. "We need to talk." Dracula replied as he walked in. Draculaura shut the door and turned to face him. "What's up?" Draculaura asked. "I got a visit from someone yesterday evening." Dracula replied. "Okay." Draculaura commented as she listened intently. "Someone from my past, a Necromancer." Dracula told her. "Isn't that someone who controls the dead?" Draculaura asked. "Not exactly control, just bring back to life." Dracula replied. "How do you know a Necromancer?" Draculaura asked and he sighed. "I was hurting after your mother past, she was the first woman I have ever loved. So I found a Necromancer to help me get her back." Dracula replied and Draculaura gasped. "Dad!" Draculaura exclaimed and he sighed. "Wasn't my finest moment." Dracula told her. "I have watched you for the last 1,600 years, daddy. I know what magic does to people, I've seen what it does to you. This is why I don't like magic, and I don't trust it. We've fought about it in the past, and that is some serious dark magic there. Mom would not have woken up like mom, she would have been some mindless thing." Draculaura explained with tears in her eyes and he nodded. "I know, that's why I didn't go through with it." Dracula agreed. "But how could you even consider it?" Draculaura asked. "I was a different person before I met your mother, I was evil and ruthless. Cruel and heartless. Losing her, I thought I was turning back into that thing. But then I realized something, I still had you, and you were the best thing I could of had. That's why I didn't do it, and why I had to keep you close to me. Why I almost broke when you almost died as well." Dracula told her. Draculaura laughed as she wiped her tears. "I died anyways." Draculaura told him and he laughed too. "You got me there." Dracula agreed. "So, why did you wait until now to tell me?" Draculaura asked and he sighed. "Because he showed up at my mansion the other day." Dracula replied and she sighed.
     The group of friends ran to the dorm room, just as Clawd got there. "What's going on?" Clawd asked. "Dracula is here." Clawdeen replied and he gasped. "Are you serious?" Clawd asked and she nodded. "Dead serious." Clawdeen replied. Clawdeen opened the door and Draculaura turned to face them. Dracula glared at the other monsters. He only likes upper class monster. Who are vampires, mummies, and ghosts. So Cleo was the only one of them that he doesn't mind his daughter hanging around with, and he really hates her dating a werewolf. Draculaura turned back to her dad. "Why?" Draculaura asked. "I don't know. I'll talk to you later." Dracula replied. He turned into a bat and flew out the window as she sighed. "What was that about?" Frankie asked and Draculaura shook her head. "It's not important." Draculaura replied. "Are you sure, mate?" Lagoona asked and Draculaura nodded. "Yeah." Draculaura replied. "Okay." Lagoona agreed. "Ready, Clawd?" Draculaura asked. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm ready." Clawd replied. Draculaura put on a fake smile as she took his hand and the couple left.
       Draculaura and Clawd were at dinner. Clawd saw how distant Draculaura was this afternoon. Draculaura was using her fork to play with the food on her plate. "D?" Clawd asked and she looked up. "Yeah?" Draculaura asked. "Are you okay?" Clawd asked. "I'm fangtastic." Draculaura replied and he sighed. Clawd reached over and put his paw on her pale hand. "I know you, Draculaura, and you are not okay." Clawd told her and sighed. "I usually love how much you know me, but right now I really hate it." Draculaura told him and he laughed. "Now tell me what's really on your mind." Clawd told her. She sighed and then nodded. "My dad and I sometimes have issues. He's magic obsessed and he posses serious dark magic. He's hurt a lot of people. Ruined families and destroyed villages, but when he met mom, he changed. But when he lost mom, he almost changed back. He struggles against being evil again, and I'm the only thing keeping him on the semi good side.... But I just found out that he almost brought back my mom, who wouldn't really be my mom with that dark magic, because be was going to use a Necromancer. They're dangerous and tricky, but I guess some will say the same thing about my dad." Draculaura explained and there was a moment of silence. "That's a lot." Clawd commented and she nodded. "Yeah." Draculaura agreed. Clawd stood up and took her hand as he helped her up and they started walking away. "Where are we going?" Draculaura asked. "You'll see." Clawd replied with a smirk.
     Clawd parked the car outside of Dracula's mansion, and Draculaura was baffled. "What are we doing here?" Draculaura asked as she turned her head to face him. Clawd smiled as he turned and locked eyes with his girlfriend. "Talk to your dad. Figure things out." Clawd told her and she smiled. "I love you." Draculaura commented and he grinned. "I love you too." Clawd agreed. They leaned in and kissed passionately. Draculaura got out of the car and walked up the big stone steps to the mansion, her old home she grew up in.
     Draculaura walked in and looked around. She saw a table next to the door and smiled as she saw a picture of her mother. There are pictures of her everywhere. She looked up as she thought she saw something. "Dad?" Draculaura asked. She walked in more when the door slammed shut. She jumped and screamed as she spun around to face the door. Then she felt a cold wind behind her and turned around again. "Dad?" Draculaura asked again as she slowly walked forward. She saw something moving extremely fast. Draculaura sighed as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Vampires can run at the speed of light. "Dad. I know that's you." Draculaura told him. Then he sped to her and smiled. "Hello, my little bat." Dracula greeted. "What was that about?" Draculaura asked. "I was in the middle of securing the house." Dracula replied and she pushed her eyebrows together. "Why?" Draculaura asked. "To make sure we don't get anymore unexpected arrivals." Dracula replied. "What happened when he showed up?" Draculaura asked. "He hasn't had any customers in a while." Dracula replied. "Customers?" Draculaura asked. "People who pay him to raise someone from the dead." Dracula replied and she nodded. "Oh." Draculaura commented. "Anyways, he wanted to see if I still want him to raise Melinda from death." Dracula told her. "And?" Draculaura asked. "I said no." Dracula replied. "There's a 'but' coming." Draculaura commented and he nodded. "But.... he said he is building an army, so he's doing it anyways." Dracula told her. "An army? An army of what?" Draculaura asked and he sighed. "An army of dead people." Dracula replied and Draculaura gasped.

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