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Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you're sad

"I swear, if you call him again, I will cause serious damage to that phone of yours.",I warned Lexi. I tore another piece of my bread roll with my teeth. I held out my hand.

Lexi hugged her phone. I sighed.

Lexi is my older sister but when she acts like this, it's difficult to make out which one of us is the older one.

I glared at her and she finally handed her phone over to me. I quickly scrolled through her call history and noted that she had called Brandon three times yesterday.

And he hadn't picked up any of them.

Who's Brandon, you ask? He is this guy my sister dated until yesterday. She had a crush on him since fourth and to be honest, he's not worth it. I was actually relieved that they had broken up but now it turns out to be a bigger problem. Lexi's not able to get over him.

I sighed.
"Lexi he's gonna think you're a stalker now. Stop calling him. If he really likes you, let him call first.",I said.

Lexi nodded half heartedly and took her phone back. I grabbed my backpack and dashed out the front door. I was already twenty minutes late for school.

As I walked towards school, I noticed a truck parked near the house opposite to hours. It had been empty for as long as I could remember. A few men carried huge boxes into the house.

"Nice. New neighbours.",I said to myself and increased my pace as I headed towards school.

I doodled on the back of my notebook as Jamie continued his lecture on the era of Renaissance in Europe.

Jamie is our history professor. He is actually just a twenty three year old graduate. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like being called Mr.Herron so everyone just calls him Jamie. His light blond hair and chocolate brown eyes have the attention of quite a few seniors and lady teachers in the department.

"So.",he tapped on the board with his marker.
"This summarises the period of Renaissance in Europe."
He twisted the marker around his fingers, his legs crossed one over the other as he sat on his desk.
"Any questions?",he asked.

As usual, not a single hand went up.

Finally, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the class. Some kids got up so hastily, I was afraid they would impale themselves on the sides of their tables.

When the class cleared, I took in a deep breath and walked out. People made me nervous. It's not like I was one of the kids who was bullied or anything. It's just, life's not perfect when you need it to be. It all comes crashing down on you at once.

I needed to be alone. But I didn't.
I took in a deep breath once again and plastered on a soft smile before heading off towards my next class.

The soft wind made the windchime sing as I opened the door to the shop.
Richard smiled at me. My eyes washed over the sets of delicious looking chocolates. However, I walked over to the usual counter.

"White whipped strawberry chocolates.",I said, the sentence well rehearsed. Even Richard was used to it. He was already packing a box.

He handed my the packet. I handed him five dollars. I could see sadness in his eyes. He knew where the chocolates were going to go.

"Say hi for me.",he said.

"Sure.",I nodded.

I walked into the hospital, the bag of chocolates swishing beside me, tempting me to eat them.

I shoved the temptation aside, just as I had done every week since the last few months.

I walked down the familiar aisles, taking the right turn, followed by the left. I could never go to the wrong room.

Finally, I reached the familiar blue door which made a groaning sound as I pushed it open.

There she was. An angel in form of a human when we had first met.

An angel looks beautiful however she is. Even if she is pale, even if she has lost a her hair, even if she doesn't look like herself anymore, an angel looks glorious.

"Well, well, someone sure looks beautiful.",I said.

"Well, I'm going to continue being beautiful but if you refuse to give me that packet of chocolates you're holding right now, things might get ugly.",Melody said.

I laughed and walked over to her. I bent down to hug her but she winced slightly. I let go.

Let me back up a little bit. Seven months ago, Melody was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. A month later, she was suggested chemotherapy. That was pretty much the only thing keeping her life on track. They were trying radiation therapy.

Do you ever try feeling hopeful but know that your hopes are never going to come true anyway?

Melody had been my best friend since the day we were born. Coincidentally enough, we both share the same birthday. We were born in the same hospital too. Our mothers were best friends too. Melody had promised me that our children would be best friends too.

"Earth to Amy.",Melody called out. She was still in her hospital clothes. She didn't look any better than she did last time but hope is a bitch.

I handed her the chocolates. She immediately opened the packet and squealed in delight.

"I'm spoiling you.",I said.

She grinned and closed the box before moving over with a lot of difficulty and making place for me to sit.

I crawled under the covers with her and carefully put an arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. The littlest activity made her tired.

"Any hot news? Any new guys?",Melody asked.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"No. Someone's moved in next door though."

"Ooh. Is it a guy?"

"I don't know. Hope it is, though."

"A hot guy who is sweet on the inside and loves you with all of your heart. But...",Melody started. She made a dramatic music with her mouth.
"A new guy enters. Plot twist, he's your hot guy's brother who is even hotter and loves you too. You are torn between them and yo-"

"Isn't this Stefan and Damon Salvatore all over again?",I asked.

"That's what makes it good, honey.",she tweaked my nose weakly.

I smiled at her and held her hand.

Shit was just about to get real.

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