Chapter 12

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Saturday night. Alec was on his way to Magnus, as planned. As he walked, he kept rehashing what had happened with Jason. Despite what Isabelle had told him, he still wondered if it was a good idea to tell Magnus or not. He didn't want to spoil everything now that he was finally happy.

 While thinking, he had already arrived at Magnus' place. He opened the front door, climbed the steps, and arrived at Magnus's door. He rang. Magnus opened and he appeared on the threshold of the door, more elegant than ever. 

Alec still couldn't believe that he could be so happy with someone. Just seeing Magnus or even to think about him filled him completely. This happiness was unexpected. 

Magnus approached him and kissed him. Alec's heart leapt into his chest.

"I was waiting for you," Magnus said. 

 Alec smiled and entered. He took off his jacket and put it on the coat rack in the entrance. He walked into the living room, and noticed that Magnus had prepared everything: a beautifully decorated table with candles and flowers. Dishes were already waiting for them on the table. A real romantic evening. Not really the kind of atmosphere to announce to your boyfriend that another person had kissed you no later than yesterday.

 "Do you like it?" said Magnus, joining him. 

Alec was drawn from his thoughts. He turned to Magnus and took his hand in his.

 "It's perfect, Magnus." They sat down to eat. They began to eat in silence, and then they spoke. They talked about everything and nothing. Alec knew he had a lot more confidence in him since he was with Magnus. But he was trying to conceal his discomfort right now. He was trying not to think about Jason, but it was too hard. It' was so hard to hide something from the person you love! Jason was literally ruining his evening. And his life. He was answering Magnus with smiles, too much worried. 

"Alec, is everything all right?" Magnus asked him. 

Alec swallowed. 

"Yes Magnus, I assure you. Do you want some wine?" 

Magnus narrowed his eyes, incredulously. He agreed and Alec served him. He took a sip and then put down his glass. 

"Alec, tell me what's wrong. I can see that you are upset. You know you can tell me everything. Is it ... about us?" 

"No Magnus! Absolutely not. It's just that ... it's the university, the exams, all that. It stresses me."

 There you go. Well done, Alec he thought. He could have slapped himself. He felt so bad that he didn't have the courage to tell Magnus everything, and even more to lie to him. He had missed an opportunity to tell him everything. He was spoiling everything. 

"You're the best," Magnus replied. "You will succeed. I believe in you." He took his hand and Alec gave him a short smile. 

"Are you sure that's just about that? Is there anything else you want to talk to me about?" he asked. 

"Yes. Don't worry,"replied Alec. 

Magnus sat up suddenly. 

"By the way! I have something for you." 

He got up from the table and left the living room. He returned a few moments later with a small box in his hand. He handed it to Alec, a big smile on his face. Alec took it and examined it.

 "What is it?" Alec said. 

 "Open it and you'll see" Magnus laughed. 

Alec undone the ribbon adorning the box and opened the package. And what he saw made him feel even more guilty about not being honest with Magnus. It was a double of the keys of Magnus' house. 

"Now you can come whenever you want," Magnus added. 

Alec almost had tears in his eyes. He could not spoil that moment by talking about Jason. He would tell him everything ... later. He got up and hugged Magnus very tight.

 "Thank you, Magnus. I am so happy." 

And he kissed him, but it was not a normal kiss and Magnus knew it instantly, and even more so when Alec started to undone the first buttons of Magnus' shirt. Magnus pushed him gently away.

 "Alec, are you sure of yourself? I don't want to rush you, neither that you feel obliged to ..." 

"Magnus, I know what I want and I want you," Alec replied firmly.

And they kissed once again, and this time, without stopping.


When Alec awoke the next morning, he was in Magnus's bed. Magnus was lying by his side and was still sleeping. 

Alec remembered yesterday evening. Thinking about that he had made his first time with Magnus filled him with happiness. He felt good, he was happy with Magnus. He knew he loved him, even though he had never really said it out loud to him. He didn't know how to deal with these feelings, and even less to tell Magnus. He still had problems telling what he was feeling but he knew it now, he was sure: he loved Magnus with a deep love and the mere idea of ​​losing him devastated him. 

Seeing that Magnus was still sleeping, he got up and decided to please Magnus by preparing breakfast. He went into the kitchen, took a tray and put everything that made Magnus happy: toast, jam, orange juice. He returned to the room and found that Magnus was waking up. He approached him and gently put the tray in front of him. 

"What a wonderful awakening! Magnus said. 

Alec stood next to him in the bed and kissed him. 

"Did you sleep well?" Alec asked. 

"Of course, since you were there." 

Alec blushed and Magnus smiled at his shyness. He put an arm around him and kissed his cheek.

 "I love when you blush." 

"I don't blush!" 

"Yes you do!" 

Alec nudged him. "Hey, stop making fun of me!" 

Magnus set the tray on the nightstand and literally threw himself on Alec. He slapped him on the bed and they both laughed. Alec ran his hand behind Magnus's neck and kissed him. He loved that kind of innocent and happy moment. He would like to be able to live thousands of moments like that with Magnus. It made him feel so good. Magnus made him feel so good. He never wanted it to stop.

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