Chapter 5

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It's been a few days now that Alec was driving Isabelle to university every morning. He tried to convince himself that it was only to be nice toward his sister, but deep down he knew that it was false. Well, of course he wanted to please Isabelle but he also wanted to see him. Seeing Magnus was a kind of motivation for Alec. Seeing him smile, laugh, talk. All these little things that made a person special. And Alec couldn't help it: he was starting to have feelings for Magnus. And he didn't like this at all.

"Let's go Alec?"

Alec was cut of his thoughts by Isabelle, who was waiting for him to go to university. She had already put her coat on, ready to go. Alec stood up and put on his coat too.

"Yes, I'm coming."

20 minutes later, they were at Isabelle's university. Magnus was already here and Alec looked at him discretely. But Isabelle noticed that.

"Go and see him!"


"Magnus, obviously!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go, you're going to be late, and I gotta go too. I come pick you up tonight."

Isabelle shook her head, then get out of the car without adding anything. Alec looked at Magnus once again. Magnus looked at him in return and waved at him. Alec turned his head, uncomfortable as always.

As soon as Alec and Isabelle came back home the evening, Alec went to his bedroom without talking to anybody and went straight to his bed. He was tired and Magnus' face hadn't stop haunting his mind all day long. He closed his eyes but it was worse: as soon as his eyes were closed, he saw Magnus' face even more and his smile too ...

At this moment, his phone rang. He straightened and took his phone which he had left in his bag. It was Magnus. After a moment of hesitation, he picked up the phone.


"Alexander? It's Magnus.

Just hearing his voice, Alec's heart beat faster in his chest. But he managed to keep a straight voice.

"Hi Magnus, how are you?"

"Very good, thank you. Actually, I wanted to ask you something."

Alec began to stress. What does Magnus wanted to tell him?

"Hum yes, I'm listening to you."

"Would you like to go out with me some time?"

Alec almost dropped his phone on the floor. He had been expecting everything, except that. Magnus? Asking him to go out? It sounded impossible. He was probably teasing him.

Alec tried to keep a steady voice, but he failed.

"Go out ... with you?"

"Yeah, you know ... going to the cinema ... go out for a drink ... all these things."

Alec could feel Magnus' smile, even if they were on the phone.

"Well ...  okay."

"Great! Is it okay for Friday night?"

"It's perfect!

As soon as he hung up the phone, Alec get a text from Magnus. Indeed, Magnus sent him his address with another text who said: "Come at my place, we can have a drink before we'll go out." 

Alec couldn't help but smile.

The next morning

Isabelle was walking in the corridors of the university. She was walking so fast that she almost bumped into Magnus.

"Hey Isabelle, watch where you're going!" He laughed.

"Oh Magnus, I'm sorry ... I was lost in thoughts ... "

"Is everything okay?

"Yes, I think so."

"You know you can tell me everything."

Isabelle thought for a moment, then she spoke again.

"Can I talk to you about something, Magnus? Well, about someone actually."

"Of course, you can!"

"It's about Alec."

Magnus froze. What was going on? He hoped that nothing serious has happened to him. Magnus looked so worried that Isabelle smiled.

"Relax Magnus, it's nothing serious! At least, not as bad as you think. Anyway. I'm worried about him."

"What's happening?"

"I don't know how to explain. He is always so reserved, he keeps everything to himself. Well he's always keeping everything to himself but there it's different. When he comes back home after university, he locked himself up in his bedroom, he barely talks to anyone. He doesn't even eat! And he always seems so absent, as if he wasn't there. I don't know what's going on but I'm worried."

Magnus remained pensive. Could it be ...? No, impossible. He didn't know what to answer to Izzy, except that he was kind of interested in her brother. However, he felt obliged to talk to her about his date with Alec on Friday. Maybe Alec's behaviour had something to do with that?

"Isabelle, can I talk to you about something too?"

"Of course."

"Well ... I asked Alec on date.

A big smile appeared on Isabelle's face, and then she slapped her hand on her forehead.

"Of course! What a fool I am!"

"Izzy, what's happening?"

"But everything is clear Magnus! if Alec is acting like this ... it's because of you!"

She suddenly looked worried.

"Magnus, what did he answer? Did he agree ...?

"Yes, he did, and to my biggest surprise! Our date is on Friday night, in 3 days."

Isabelle was almost dancing in the corridors because she was too happy. 2 students passed by her and looked at her, but she didn't care.

"And you tell me this only now? And Alec, why didn't he tell me anything? I can't believe that he kept this from me! But I'm so happy for both of you!!

"You know, it's just a date Izzy. Nothing serious. And maybe he agreed to go out with me just for being polite and ..."

Isabelle cut him, laughing.

"Shut up! You're saying too much nonsense in one sentence! if my brother wouldn't have wanted to go out with you, he would have say no, trust me! And what are you two going to do, by the way?"

"Well we agreed that he will come to my place, then we'll go out to have a drink and then maybe going to the restaurant. You know, we haven't discussed of all these details.

"Okay, but I have to talk to him! Not even telling his own sister that he has a date, the audacity!"

Magnus smiled.

"Don't be too hard on him."

"Don't worry about that! Now I have to leave you, I've got english class in 5 minutes! See you later Magnus!"

And then she moves away. As for Magnus, he took his phone and texted Alec:

"You're still okay for Friday? J"

The answer came quickly.


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