Chapter 6

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The word "stressed" was an understatement compared to the state in which Alec actually was. Indeed, it was Friday. The day of his date with Magnus. Right now, he was in his bedroom, unable to think properly. It was already 6 pm et he had agreed with Magnus with Magnus that he would pick him up at 20 pm.

Sitting on his bed, Alec was asking himself a thousand of questions: how is Magnus going to dress this evening? How should he himself be dressed? What if he was ridiculous?

His bedroom's door opened suddenly and Isabelle came in, without knocking. Alec, exasperate and cut in his thoughts, raised his head toward her.

"Have you ever been told to knock before entering?"

"Have you ever been told that it was wrong to hide things from me?", she retorted.

Alec looked at her without understanding.

"What do you mean?"

"Alec, stop. I know that you have a date with Magnus this evening."

Alec jumped from his bed, dumbfounded.

"But ... How do you know?"

Then he understood.

"Magnus ...," He murmured.

"Yeah, Magnus told me. I thought that you would tell me the day you would have a date. Why didn't you tell me? I'm so happy for you!"

"But ... Doesn't it bother you?"

"Alec, what are you talking about?

Isabelle's tone had softened. Now she understood that if Alec didn't tell hear anything, it wasn't because he didn't trust her ... It's because he isn't confident with himself.

Alec took a few moments before answering, because he wanted to choose the right words. But all he could manage to say was:

"Well ... about that ... You know ..."

"Alec, I knew it since a very long time! And you have nothing to be ashamed of! Being gay is not a disease, it's the society who's completely fucked up! Alec, I just want you to be happy. And if Magnus is the right person, then it's all that matters. And most of all, don't pay attention to what other people think!"

Alec didn't know what to say. It was the first time that someone told him such things. The first time that he could talk clearly and openly to someone. He never dared to talk about this with his parents or anybody else. But with Izzy, it was different. She really understood him. How could he have any doubt about that?

He stood up and hugged his sister. He didn't know what else to do. He released his embrace and Izzy looked at him, with a smile.

"You know, she said, I noticed how you two get along to my party, you and Magnus. And I know that it wasn't just to do me a favor if you wanted to drive me to university every morning!"

Alec blushed. Suddenly, Isabelle winced.

"What's going on?" Alec asked.

"Don't tell my you're going on your date dressed like THIS?"

Alec laughed. The problem seemed nothing compared to what he had expected. Isabelle was this type of person who considered what to wear as a real problem.

But Alec was still obliged to admit that he was not very well dressed. He was wearing an old jogging and a black t-shirt. Not really the ideal outfit for a first date."Well, Isabelle said. Luckily, I'm here, isn't it?" And without letting him time to answer, she almost ran to Alec's wardrobe to find a more decent outfit for her.

"Here, you can wear that! And that! As well as that!"

She handed him a nice white shirt, black trousers and moccasins. Alec had completely forgotten that he had this kind of clothing. However, he took the clothes as Isabelle gave him. Then, she seemed to think.

"Wait a second," She said.

She rushed out of Alec's room and returned a few minutes later with a black jacket. She gave it to Alec, proudly.

"I took it in Dad's wardrobe. It'll be fine with the shirt, I'm sure. Now, I'll let you get dressed!"

She came out a second time from the room to allow him time to get dressed.

With a sigh, Alec took off his shirt and pulled on the shirt Isabelle gave him. Then he took off his jogging to put on the pants. Finally, he put on the shoes and finally the jacket. He looked at himself quickly in the mirror and he was forced to recognize that he was not bad in this outfit. It changed him completely from his usual clothes.

He went out of his room and hurried down the stairs. It was now 19:30, he had to go. He intended to leave his house discreetly, but as he reached the door, he heard an exclamation behind him.

"Woah Alec !!!"

Crap. Well done, Alec. He turned around and saw his mother, his father and Isabelle watching him. It looked like it was the first time his family had seen him. But at the same time, seeing Alec in a costume was not a normal thing.

He smiled, embarrassed. His mother came over to examine him and put the collar of his shirt back on.

"Where are you going, Alec?" She asked.

There was no anger in his voice. It was just a mother, curious to know where her son was going so well dressed.

"Hum ... I ..."

"He's going on a date!" Izzy exclaimed.

Alec glared at her.

"Isabelle !!" He retorted. "Shut up!"

Maryse, their mother, ignored this little argument and smiled brightly.

"Really? And who is it? When will you introduce this mysterious person to us? "

"Listen Mum, I really have to go. I have to get there in half an hour. See you later!" And he left quickly, without waiting for an answer.

Once outside, he took a deep breath. He hated so much that kind of interrogation ...

And Izzy, unable to hold his tongue ... He hoped she won't talk about Magnus to his parents, he did not know what their reaction would be. He was afraid they would not be as understanding as Isabelle.

Having finally recovered his composure, he headed for Brooklyn, where Magnus lived.

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