Chapter 11

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Alec was standing in front of the park entrance. He looked at his watch every second, he was stressed. The sooner he arrived, the sooner he would be done with Jason and this situation. And Jason hadn't hesitated to send him dozens of messages telling him he was eager to see him, to which Alec had only once responded to remind him to not be late.

Alec looked at his watch again: 7 pm. He was watching the street in search of Jason. And suddenly, he appeared. Alec saw him coming to the other end of the street. He was frantically advancing towards him, a big smile on his face. Alec would have recognized him, not because he thought about him all the time, but because he couldn't forget the face of a person who had bothered him for years. He was rather tall, about the same height as Alec, with brown hair where a few strands fell on his face.

Alec shook his head. It looks like he still didn't know what a hairdresser is, he thought. He wore a black jacket, trousers of the same color, and a dark brown jacket. He had his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. When he reached Alec, he pretended to take him in his arms. Alec moved back instinctively.

"Stop this Jason. You already know that you're wasting your time," he said.

Jason let his arms fall, but didn't let himself be dismounted. He didn't part with his mocking smile as well.

"Well, at least I can see that you didn't change. You're as handsome as ever."

Alec had to keep his calm. He wasn't there for that. He wasn't here to argue. Jason is only in the provocation and Alec mustn't go into his game. He had to listen to what Jason had to say to him and leave. That's all.

"So," said Alec. "What do you want to say to me?"

"Don't you want us to go sit somewhere?"

Alec sighed but agreed reluctantly. They both crossed the park in search of a bench, and once they found one, they both sat down. Alec stood at a respectable distance from Jason.

"I want you to be with me," Jason said.

"I told you a million times. I don't love you, Jason."

"I'm sure you do."

Alec sighed with annoyance. What did he have to say for Jason to believe him and leave him alone???

"Alec," said Jason. "You can't push me away any longer. You know very well that you belong with me."

"Jason, if you came for this, you have to know that you're wasting your time. I don't want you. My place isn't with you and never will be. Drop it."

Alec stood up in order to leave, but Jason held him by the arm.

"What do you want again?? Let me go!" Alec shouted.

As soon as Alec had finished his sentence, Jason pulled Alec and kissed him passionately. Alec, too surprised and stunned, didn't immediately realize what was happening. Then, he suddenly became aware of the situation and broke free. He pushed Jason to the side, and not mastering himself, he punched him in the face. Jason fell to the ground, and ran his hand over his bruised cheek. Alec stood up, trembling with rage.

"Touch me again and you will regret your birth. Don't even try to challenge me."

And without waiting for Jason's answer, he turned around and ran away. He had to go far away from this man, this pervert who had been harassing him for years. He ran until he reached his house. He opened the door and went straight to his bedroom. He threw himself on his bed and suddenly a thought crossed his mind: Magnus. How would Magnus react if he knew that Jason had kissed him? Okay, it was against his will but still. A few tears ran down his cheeks. How could all this have gone so far? He was happy with Magnus and of course, someone had to spoil his happiness. He was wiping his tears when Isabelle entered her room without knocking, while shouting: 

"Alec, you were right! Simon didn't cheat on me! In fact, it was his cousin who he had crossed totally by chance!"

She stopped immediately when she saw Alec's face. She ran to him and took him in his arms.

"Alec? What's wrong? Is it about Magnus?"

Alec shook his head.

"I think I made a big mistake, Izzy."

"Tell me," she said softly.

Alec hesitated, but finally decided to tell her. He needed to confide, he felt too bad to keep everything deep inside him. It made him suffer too much. He told her everything: Jason, the "date", the kiss ... In the end, he was silent and lowered his head. It was Isabelle who spoke first.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about Jason?"

"Because I thought he would stop. That he would leave me alone at last."

"But this is not the case."

"What should I do Izzy? Tell Magnus everything?"

"I think so. If you tell him everything now, you will be released from a weight. And anyway, it's not your fault. Jason kissed you. You did nothing wrong."

"Do you think he'll believe me?

"Alec, you're not a liar. Magnus knows it, I know it, everyone knows it. Magnus knows that you care about him and that you will do nothing to hurt your relationship. The only thing you have to do is to be honest with him. If you start hiding things from him, it's over."

Being honest. Yes, Isabelle was right. Alec would tell Magnus everything when they'll see each other on Saturday. He had to do it for their relationship. He couldn't hide that from Magnus, that would not be fair to him. And now he was sure Magnus would understand. Alec's mood went up a bit, and he gave a short smile to his sister.

"Will you be fine?" she asked.

"Yes, I think so. Thank you, Izzy. And you? Everything is okay with Simon eventually?"

"Yes, it was only his cousin. I didn't even know that her cousin was in the same university as me. Anyway, he had just crossed her by chance ... I can be so impulsive sometimes."

"No, really?" Alec teased her.

Isabelle took a pillow and threw it at him. Alec laughed.

Everything would be fine. He just had to talk to Magnus. To be honest. And everything would be in order. Well, at least he hoped so.

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