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Today: school= average day (no Crystal!😄)

After school= .....strange afternoon that includes instant noodles....?

Okay, I had a really weird day today! And it's all about- drumroll please!----INSTANT NOODLES!!

First, let's get this straight: This is NOT what happened to me, more like what happened to Nicky!

So there's this YUMMALICIOUS instant noodle brand called Slurpish noodles and it comes in 5 different flavours:






IMPORTANT NOTE: best flavour is chicken!

Anyway, there's always ads about it on tv and the person who advertises it is the "Slurpish kid"

The ad goes like this:

"Slurpish instant noodles, yummo and delicious, comes in 5 mouth watering flavours- chicken, beef, oriental, spicy and vegetable," then the Slurpish kid comes in and says: "it's yummy, it's good for your tummy, it's not only delicious, it's also nutritious!"

I don't get the nutritious part. As far as I know, instant noodles are nowhere near nutritious. They probably just did it to rhyme with delicious.

Anyway, the Slurpish kid is not a kid anymore, he's nearly an adult. You see, it's not cute anymore when a 19 year old guy does it in a low voice. People only get attracted and buy it when a 8 year old advertises it or something.

Anyway, there is this audition for the next Slurpish kid. It's a 20 minute drive from our house and Nicky BEGGED mum to go. And (obviously) mum said yes.


And then she got a tv remote control, pretending it was a microphone she started singing. "LALALALA!! LA LA HOOOOO!!!" *cough*

Yes, no offence but her singing isn't very good. In fact, I had to cover my ears.

And Nicky kept on singing screaming. "LALALALLA AAGGAGAHALLL LALAA GA HA!!!"

How bad was it? So bad that Tom had to shout from his room "NICKY STOP!!!! PLEASE STOPPP!!!!!"

It only caused Nicky to scream more. Finally, after what seemed like 100 hours of HORRIBLE, ear piercing screaming, mum stopped Nicky. Phew! (Now I got her screaming stuck in my head! :(😓!)

Nicky went upstairs and 5 minutes later she came down wearing a pink puffy tutu, a shiny black top with sequins, fake star shaped sunglasses and mum's high heels which were WAY too big for her. She tied her hair into really messy pigtails.

My reaction: 😦

Yes, sometimes Nicky can be a bit..... girly. But you see, there's a difference with girly and fashion freak. The perfect example of a fashion freak is Crystal! Aargh! Thinking of her name makes me want to vomit! I mean, she applies a new layer of lip gloss every 3 minutes!

But that's another story. So I ended up going with Nicky to do the "instant noodle audition"

IMPORTANT NOTE: I didn't do the audition, only Nicky!

It seemed FOREVER to get there, probably because Nicky talked about her successful acting career. (Well, her acting career in her mind!)

She was like: "I will be the best actress in the whole entire world! I am so good at singing! See- LALALA.A LAKAK AGGAGAJEN!!! Now I shall take a bow!"

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