Chapter 27. - Unconventional

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A/N: Hello, dolls! This chapter is dedicated to KerraNicoleEdwards for being a kick-a$$ new supporter! Thank you!


After we left my parents' house, I was mortified. I couldn't recall a time when I felt more embarrassed about a series of events around Lukas LaBelle – and there have been numerable blush-worthy times!

"You look lost in your head," Lukas observed in a calm tone. "Again."

I bit down on my lip. "That didn't exactly go how I expected," I whispered. "Actually... It went exactly how I thought it would. Which is absolutely terrifying, because I tend to come up with some terrifying scenarios in my head!"

He chuckled, his entire face coming alive with a devastating smile I could never quite capture on a canvas. "I don't think it was that bad, was it?"

His grin was infectious. "As compared to...?" With my brows raised, I observed him for a few moments, before we both burst out laughing. "I'm sorry for how they acted."

Lukas shrugged. "I would've been worried if they were fine with someone like me for their only daughter. And your brother? Quite the guy. I like him!"

There must've been something in the air at my mother's dining room because now Lukas was talking nonsense too!

"They're something, that's for sure..." I murmured under my breath, glancing out the window as the beautiful city of angels sped by us. "I've had a good time last night," I said, turning to him, because I did, and it felt like the right thing to say.

Lukas cocked his brow at me as he glanced over the rim of his sunglasses. "And this morning."

My feminine senses were tingling at his innuendo of our time together, and if we weren't just coming from seeing my family, I would've been all over the idea.

But right now, I needed to hide away in the safety of my studio, alone with my thoughts and the familiar scent of paint. "I have a lot of work to get done before the big night."

Lukas seemed to pick up on my mood swing and went along with it. "Say no more, Athens. I have to meet up with the boys too. We're fighting over which three songs to perform at the release party."

That piqued my interest. "Perhaps I could help." I offered, blinking up at him in a way I imagined starlets do in vintage movies. "If I could just listen to the album, I could-"

Lukas held up his hand, cutting me off. "You're not getting to listen to it ahead of time. No fucking way!" He said, grinning. "But what I can tell you is that the songs we want to perform are the personal ones, while the label really needs us to promote the singles."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think getting your singles on the radio will be an issue. If there's anything I've learned about Hazmat during my time with you, it's that your fans are insanely dedicated." I shrugged. "Plus, why does the label get to decide which songs will be the singles? Why not let the fans choose?"

Lukas frowned, hesitating before answering as if he was really giving my question a thought. "I wish things worked that way, Sabzewar."

"You four are big enough. You can do whatever you want. After all, what's the point of having all this power if you never use it?!"


Lukas dropped me off at my studio, where my bodyguard was already waiting. For a change, there were no lingering fans or paparazzi in sight. After a brief kiss goodbye, Lukas sped off into the distance, and I went skulking into my studio, ready to tackle another day of work.

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